Chapter 13

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Blakely's POV:

Braxton is taking me out tonight. He said wear something comfortable so I'm wearing jeans and a T-shirt. It is a little chilly so I am going to put a black nike sweatshirt over it. I put on some mascara and some tinted pink lip balm. With a spritz of perfume, I am all ready to go.

"Don't you look lovely!" Gran announced. I thank her as I tie up my white converse. There's a knock at the door and Gran lets in Braxton. He was wearing dark blue jeans, an open flannel shirt with a white tee underneath. He also wore sneakers too. I think he has never looked better than when we wears a flannel.

"You look great Blakely! Ready to go?" I nod and wave goodbye to Gran as she reminds Braxton to have me back by curfew. 

"Where are we going?" I question.

"Well, right now, we are heading to Jack's iron Axe. It's an axe throwing place." 

"Oh my gosh! That sounds like so much fun! I have always wanted to go do that!" I explain excited.

We continue our small talk as we arrive at the venue. When we walk in, the building as a rustic appeal on the inside. Mostly woof, an area where people can get food and eat, and area for people to throw axes, a bar, and an arcade. We walk into our lane and Braxton offers to throw the first axe. He picks up the handle and slowly position and swings it a few times. The final swing he released it and it went flying. Though it was not a bullseye, he still got it on the target. 

"WOOO! That was awesome!" Braxton yells. I step up to throw the next one. I follow the same movements as Braxton and release. However, mine is not hard enough for the axe to actually stick into the wood target. I gasp and cross my arms. 

"That's messed up. I want a do-over." Braxton laughs.

"Don't worry, we have plenty if axes." He laughs. "The key is to think of something that makes you really mad. Channel all your strength from that into the axe."

"Sounds so technical." I tease.

"It works though! It also feels so great when you release the axe and it sticks." Braxton winds up another throw and it hits the target again.

"Now your just showing off!" I point at him. 

"Just try it." Braxton puts his hands on my shoulders and guides me to the place we stand. I pick up the axe. Braxton whispers "Close your eyes. Find that one thing that makes your blood boil."

I start thinking of my parents.

"Channel that thought into your arms."

I feel my hands clench around the axe tighter. This is my first date and they weren't even here to give him the speech about not keeping their little girl out too late. They aren't here to check in with me after on how it went. 

"Bring it back."

I pull the axe back. This is not how parents are supposed to be. This isn't how anybody should be treated just bouncing around from place to place without any say.

"and release."

I release the axe with as much strength as I can gather. The axe flew so fast into the target. It hit dead center: Bullseye!

"Oh my gosh! Did you see that! I got it right in the middle!" I start jumping up and down. Braxton picks me up and spins me around. 

"You just did that!" Braxton yells.

"I did didn't I! You were right, that felt amazing!" We high five and hold hands and walk over to get some food. 

We both get some chips and salsa to share and some pepperoni pizza. I am on such a high from hitting a bullseye, nothing can bring me down. 

After we finished our food, Braxton drove us to a park. He brought a blanket and sprawled it out in the grass. I can't believe he wants us to lay down and just look at the stars. If that is not a perfect first date, I don't know what is. We both lay down in opposite ways and gaze up at the clear black sky. We were in a darker part of the park so we could see a few stars along with the moon. 

"Do you think there are aliens on the moon?" I ask.

"No, the moon is too small I bet for Aliens. They would live on a bigger planet like Neptune." Braxton says.

"Have you ever seen Camp Rock?" I smile.

"Maybe a long time ago-" 

"I really like it when the moon looks like a toenail and I love it when you say my name." I sing randomly cutting him off. Braxton laughs and pokes my shoulder.

"You know, I bet it kinda does look like your big toe." he laughs leaning his head up to look at my foot. I punch his shoulder back. 

"Take it back!" I yell.

"Or what." I start punching his arms. Not enough to actually hurt him, but just to play fight with him. 

"Oh you have chosen the wrong person to mess with." Braxton say shifting his position and tickling me so hard that i can barely breathe. I try to fight back, but he is honestly really strong. 

"Do you give up?" I am still squirming, but gasping for air from laughter. I shake my head no anyway. After a few minutes he asks again, and this time I give in. 

As I try to control my breathing again, I notice the Braxton is leaning over me sitting up on his forearms. He moves some hair out of my face that had fallen when he was tickling me. He jsut stares at me.

"What?" I blush.

"You just have a really cute laugh. I haven't heard you laugh like that before." 

"I haven't had a reason to laugh like that before." I admit. Braxton lays back down and grabs my hand. We lay there for a while just looking at the stars and talking about nonsense theories about aliens. 

"Well, I guess I better get you home before your Gram calls a search party for you." He suggests. It's a short drive back to my house. Braxton, runs around to the passenger side to open the door for me. We walk up to my porch and I lean against the railing of the steps. 

"Did you have fun today?" Braxton asks taking my hand in his standing right in front of me.

"Yes." I confess.

"Did you enjoy the food?"

"Yes." I repeat.

"Would you do the activities we did again?" He asks fiddling with my hand.

"Yes." As soon as the word left my mouth, Braxton closed the distance between us putting his hand on the side of my head. His kiss caught me off guard, but I kissed him back. His kiss was slow, gentle, and only lasted a few seconds before he pulled away.

"What about that activity? Would you do that again?" He whispers leaning his forehead on mine, still holding my cheek. I took a few breaths before I responded to try to think about this reasonably, but the answer in my heart was clear. 

"Yes." I whisper back to him. Braxton leans in and kisses me again. The kiss is still slow and gentle. I wrap my arm around his neck and he moves his hands around my waist as we continue our sensual kisses. I can smell his cologne filing my senses and it just makes my heart flutter even more. Braxton moves one of his hands and rubs my back. He pulls away continuing to do little movements on my back. 

"I will call you tomorrow!" Braxton says leaning in to kiss my cheek one more time before heading back to his car. I could barely find the words, but somehow mumble out a "See ya." 

I walk inside closing the door behind me. I lean on the door and touch my hand to my lips. Boy, what have I gotten myself into.

Braxton's POV:

"I will call you tomorrow." I say smoothly leaning in a kissing Blakely's cheek one last time as I start walking back to my car. Once I am shore that she has gone inside and the door is closed. I punch the air and jump up kicking my feet together feeling over the moon. Our date could not have gone any better tonight. There is no way I am going to ever let this girl slip away.

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