Chapter 1- First Day Try Outs

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Braxton's POV:

*Beep Beep Beep*

I slap my alarm off, not wanting to hear the annoying beeping any longer. I've been up for hours going through my playbook. I have to always be grinding if I want to make it big one day. There is no bigger dream for me than being in the National Hockey League or NHL. That's why I am up before my alarm every day; hockey is always on my mind. 

It's 6:30am so I have to get ready for school. School is not my favorite place in the world, but like I said, if I want to make it big, I have to stay on the grind and that included school. 

I walk downstairs seeing that breakfast is on the table: Sausage and scrambled eggs. 

"Morning Braxton, eat up before you head out!" Mom pushed the plate closer to where I was standing by the table. I took my seat and started devouring the food. My Mom makes breakfast every morning before she goes to work. She is a guidance counselor at a middle school so she gets my little brother Lucas ready for school after I leave and then goes to her school after. It's kind of dumb that middle school starts after elementary school here, but at least my school ends at 2:30. My Dad is a physical therapist at the local hospital so he works long hours. I usually get to see him around dinner time or later. 

I quickly finished my breakfast, seeing that the clock read 6:50am. It takes me 10 minutes to drive to school and school starts at 7:30am. 

"Bye Mom, Love you" I give my Mom a kiss on the cheek as I head out to my car. 

"Remember, you have hockey try outs after school today!" Mom yells as I shut the door.

I hop into my Jeep Wrangler and speed to school. 

On my way to my locker, I run into my buddies Davis Jones and Jacob McLavis. Davis has light brown hair, definetly lighter than mine as I have dark brown hair. Jacob has blonde hair. We all play hockey together so we are pretty tall. Davis is 6'0, Jacob is 5'9, and I am 5'9. 

"Ready for tryouts later?" asked Jacob. 


"We are seniors this year, who do you think is going to be captain?" Jacob prompted. 

"It has to be me as I am the best hockey player at this school!" Davis responded cockily. 

"You think so? Last time we practiced, you fell and slid right into the net." I joked. Jacob laughed while Davis made an ugly mocking face. 

"Whatever, we'll see who blows a tire after school." Davis waved and walked away. I put some books in my locker and catch a glimpse of someone about ten lockers down from me. I grew up in this part of town so I have known most of the people at my school since we were in Kindergarten; however, this person I have never seen before. 

"Who's that?" Jacob turned to see who I was referring to. 

"I don't know."

This girl had long brown hair with some curls towards the bottom. She was short, but everyone seems short to me. She never looked towards me. She just put some books in her locker and walked in the other direction. 

Before I knew it, the clock read 7:30 and the bell rang. Jacob and I hustled to our first class before we could be late. 

"Jacob McLavis" Mr. Edwards called.


"Braxton Ratner"


"Harlee Reynolds" 


I zoned out while the teacher called the rest of the names until I saw the classroom door open. 

"I'm sorry, is this English 117?" the girl from the lockers earlier spoke. 

"Yes, Ma'am. You're late, do you have a note?"

"No, I am sorry, I got lost."

"I'll let it slide this time since it is the first day of school, but only this once. What is your name young lady?"

"Blakely Tribett." I have never heard a name like that before. It intrigued me. She must be new to this school since she got lost and I doubt she is a freshman taking a senior English course. 

She walked in and took the only empty seat left in the front left corner by the window. 


After what seemed like centuries, my classes were finally over for the day. I turn on "The Fighter" by Gym Class Heroes in my car to get in the zone as I drive to the ice arena our school team practices at. Luckily for us, it is only a 10 minute drive away from the school. 

I walk into the locker room and see some of the guys in there already changing and putting on their gear. Hockey has never been the biggest sport in this city, Virginia Beach, but we still usually get a good turnout for try outs. 

After I am changed, I head out to the ice warm up. Coach Sullivan comes out on the ice along with the remaining players who were still in the locker room. 

"Listen up, we have a lot of good candidates here today to tryout for the Langston Beach Hockey Team. I cannot guarantee all of you a spot so today show me your work ethic, show me your skills, show me why I need to put you on my team." With that, try outs were on their way.


"The list will be posted tomorrow morning outside my office by the gym. Thank you for your hard work. Now go home and rest up." Coach Sullivan said as we finished changing out of our equipment. 

Feeling satisfied with my try out, I drove home for the night.

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