Chapter 11

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Blakely's POV:

It's Friday afternoon and Braxton and I are about to get our robot baby to take care of for the weekend. We have to meet Mr. Campbell at his office to pick it up in 5 minutes when the bell rings. This weekend is going to be crazy. More than crazy! It's going to absolutely horrendous. After dinner on Monday night, Braxton and I were discussing how we would be able to care for the baby whether we take turns or something else. 


"Do you want to take the baby Friday night?" Braxton asks. 

"Not really, then I will basically be taking care of it the entire tome on Friday. I want to share the work" I say. We continues bickering about it for what seemed like several minutes. 

"Children, just bring the baby here for the weekend. Both of you stay here. Braxton I can call your parents and introduce myself so they are more comfortable." Gram requests. I cannot believe she just offered for him to stay with us. Is she out of her mind? She barely knows this boy! Does she even realize how this situation may look? 

"GRAM!? I shriek.

"What? You can sleep on the couch and Blakely, you can still stay in your room. I am still going to be here so I don't want any funny business under my roof." Gram says sternly. Braxton seemed conflicted; however, he looked like he was considering the idea. 

"I am okay with it if you are." Braxton finally says. I look between my Gram and Braxton. I nod my head confirming that this is the plan.

Lord help me this weekend. 

*End Flashback*

The bell rang and I rushed to Mr. Campbells officer seeing Braxton already there.

"Good Blakely, you're here! Listen carefully! These babies are very expensive and if they break, you both will be paying thousands of dollars. Please be careful and I shouldn't have to say this, but if it cries, do what you do with a normal baby. It is programmed to be able to tell. It come with a car seat, a bottle, 2 diapers. There are sensors in all of them so it can tell if you are doing the action or not. It can also tell how long it as been in the car seat so please don't just set it aside." Mr. Campbell explains as we nod our heads. He hands Braxton the carseat with the baby already strapped in.

"Congratulations you two." He says closing his office door and leaving. We walk to Braxton's car with the baby girl robot we now refer to as Ocean. It has become a routine to go to Braxton's car whenever we do anything since I don't have one. I watch Braxton closely to make sure he puts the carseat in the car right. Once I confirm with myself that he did, I strap myself in too.

We drive to my house, just having some small talk along the way. Whenever we would pause or our conversation would go silent. We could hear Ocean breathing. It's honestly kind of weird and a little creepy listening to a robot breathe. Braxton pulled in front of my house and we walked inside with Ocean. Immediately after walking in, I see a note on the fridge from Gram.


I went to the grocery store to get a few things since we will have company this weekend. I will be home in a few hours.



As soon as I finished reading the note, I hear a cry coming from across the room. This is the first time the baby has cried since we got her. Braxton ran over the bag with the things in it we need to calm her down. I picked Ocean up and held her. Braxton handed me the bottle first and I touched the tip to Ocean's mouth. Ocean immediately stopped crying and made a sound confirming that it was satisfied. It then, started making noises like it was drinking the bottle, which meant I had to hold it there or it wouldn't finish the tasks. After a few minutes the sounds stopped and I put the bottle down, continuing to hold Ocean.

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