He ends the call in anger and walks back towards me. Taking a long breath, he calms himself down before speaking up.

"We need to get going to the office" I frown.

"Now!" He says a little angrier and I get up, leaving the half eaten croissant with coffee.

"Couldn't have let me eaten in peace" I mumble, following as he makes his way to the elevator, down to the basement.

"Howard, Ms. Wilson will be taking a ride with me" he speaks in the phone, not waiting for a response before he ends the call making me scoff.


"What was that?" He questions and I sigh.

"I said Asshole" he looks a-taken back  by my response and a breathy laugh escapes his lips. God that sounded so... velvety?

"Why exactly are we going to the office" I ask when I see him texting someone in anger. He doesn't reply so I don't bother asking again.

He walks in front of me and opens the passenger door of a Mercedes, still paying attention to his phone. I get in and he closes the door behind me, walking over to the drivers seat.

His hand makes his way to back, under his suit and he pulls out a gun. He settles down and places the gun on his lap before finally speeding off.

"Listen up Love, I need a favor to ask"

"Go on" I turn to look at him and he glances at me before continuing.

"If you look under your seat, there should be a file" I do as told and truly enough, A black file comes out.

Opening it, my face turns into a frown when I notice it's a draft partnership with some guy named Landon Rocille.

I've seen some screwy stuff but this one definitely takes the lead. This folder screamed trouble. Pure trouble.

"Keep it in that pretty little purse of yours and don't speak a word about it unless I ask you to" he warns and I nod confused.

"I want this car" I say after a while and he scoffs making me fold my arms in front of me.

"Listen up, Hayes. Clearly you're the one who needs me to lie for them, I wonder if the police would like to know about a file that could end your career and get you sent in jail" I smile innocently at him and he chuckles.

"You work for a company whose whole job is to lie, sweetheart. Besides I'm not asking you to lie, I'm asking you to keep the file with you for a while"

"Oh please, if I'm caught with a file like this, you and I will both end up in jail"

"Sweetheart, I don't think you get it. You can't put me in jail. Being rich has it's pros though It is surely possible for you to get in trouble, I know how to get you out of it" he smiles.

"But of course, no car is worth having you murder me in your dreams" he parks the car, placing the keys in my hand before getting out.

"Great, Your file is safe with me" I smile, placing it in my bag and zipping it before getting out the car and locking it.

We make our way inside the building and enter the elevator, fragile silence surrounding every inch around us.

"I think I could use a few birkins too" I smile from beside him and he chuckles.

"You're playing a dangerous game now, Love"


Hi Loves,

First of all Ramadan Kareem to all my muslim readers.

Thank you so much for reading the weekly update, I love to see this book growing by the day. Tho I do hope you guys keep commenting as it keeps me motivated to continue.

Also, I just got myself new books and am contemplating on what to read next since I'm in a huge reading slump and have read nothing this month nor have I listened to any audio books. So please drop some suggestions 😩

I'm contemplating on whether to read Little Women or The Alchemist since I've been wanting to read little women for a long time but Paulo Coelho is one of my favorite authors so I can't seem to choose.

But please leave me some good books recs I beg. I don't mind if they are Published or Wattpad books as long as they get me out of my reading slump.

Also I've been procrastinating so much these days so let's hope that changes.

And finally, what are y'alls thoughts about the book so far? Who is your favorite ship?

Alright that was the weekly, not-so-short rant and I hope to see y'all next week!!

If you want to post anything on TikTok or wherever about be my valentine? please tag me:

Justabrownie.e on Instagram and TikTok
Justabrownie_e on Twitter

Follow my socials to get more sneak peaks of future projects and chapters!

Here are some questions for you to answer like always Xx



YOUR CURRENT READS (physical or wattpad books) <<

And finally, question of the week: WHO IS YOUR ALL TIME FAVORITE AUTHOR? <<<

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