21: Two Pretty Best Friends

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There was a tension in the air that seemed easily looked over by those with a strong conviction to do so. Caius had incredible conviction in almost all areas of his life. Where he lacked it, was in regard to his dear wife. Athenadora was starting to get irritated with her brother's dragging feet. She had a want for her new sister to move swiftly to her place as Queen. Three queens, three kings. The Volturi would be strong and complete again. And Athenadora would have a new sister more receptive to her extroverted attitude than Sulpicia. And it was strange Sulpicia was the way she was, given her husband's disposition. Perhaps two extroverts proved too much for the quiet queen. Caius didn't know, he didn't care. The one thing he missed about the human's presence was how she could withstand any and all of Athenadora's tangents. It was a respectable trait that Caius so wished Sulpicia had shared. Because now, he was left with a loudly distraught wife. And the beginnings of a headache which should not be possible in his current state of undeadness.

He could listen to Athenadora talk for hours of course. About any variety of subjects. Her voice was soothing even beyond what contentment Corin's gift could provide. Her sounds, her smell, her teasing touches. Caius may've been dead, but he lived for his mate. To be her everything and for her to be his in turn. So, of course, he could listen to her excited babblings. They were no hinder on Caius.

It was the subject of recent talks which somewhat perturbed him.

"Ah! My love, Taylor has written a reply!"

"Fantastic." Caius deadpanned. He stood before the entrance to their outdoor room. Not even fully in the place, and he was already bombarded by his wife's love of another woman. Not romantic, Taylor would have been snuffed out before Marcus could remember he suddenly wasn't depressed anymore. And Athenadora's tastes did not expand to womankind. Regardless, Caius did not appreciate playing second fiddle to his wife's attention. Especially when her focus was on a human.

"Ohh~ I haven't opened it yet, I was waiting for dear Sulpicia but she's just arrived. And now here you are!"


"Come, come, sit beside me mio marito. I suddenly feel a chill wind." Though he was not at all interested in word from his future coven mate, Caius obliged his wife's demands wholeheartedly. Appearing behind her to lift and place her upon his lap. Wrapping his robe about her to shelter from any 'chill' in the air.

"We cannot have that." He tutted, taking his wife's hands in his own. Partially because he simply wanted to hold them. Yet, also in part, because he wished to steer her mind back towards him. To monopolize her attention for himself rather than this woman who wasn't even there. She attempted to pull her hands away, finding herself struggling in slight. Then tisked, turning back with hiss.

"Lasciarsi andare. Smettila Caius." She blew in his face, pushing back stray hairs with her irritated breath. Caius rolled his eyes with an unamused expression at the action but did let go of her hands. Irritated. "Come un gatto. Fai le fusa per me più tardi, ho una lettera da leggere."

"La donna non è nemmeno qui, eppure riceve il tuo affetto prima di me..." Caius muttered, resting his chin upon his fist.

"Hush. You are being dramatic." Athenadora waved him off as she opened the envelope. The thing held Marcus' seal but it was undoubtedly from Taylor. There was her handwriting, her unique way of speaking, and a postcard from their destination. Athenadora handed that off to her sister.

"How cute." Sulpicia turned the thing in her hands, examining the painted landscape. "I hope they are enjoying themselves."

"If they are not, they most certainly will be." Athenadora chuckled manically at the contents of the letter. Her husband rolled his eyes yet again, staring up at the ceiling. This letter was very obviously not meant for his eyes. Athenadora gave a sly grin, shifting the straps of her blue dress. "Look at this Sorella. Taylor must be driving the man insane by now. You know, I've never met a man with patience in this. If our sister is not careful the Volturi may have their own hybrid scuttling about." Athenadora leaned over to hand Sulpicia the first page of Taylor's letter. As her fellow queen grasped it gingerly she shot her sister a stern look.

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