2: Tell you lies

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Santigo was never one to stand out. He had purposely worked diligently in the background as a loyal subject would. Never aspiring for more than what he believed his place was. A trait not much different than he was in mortality. But, nonetheless, Santigo was content enough to putter away with whatever tasks were assigned to him. Unseen and unbothered by anyone else.

Unfortunately for Santigo, his entrance with Taylor all those weeks ago did not go unnoticed. As he patrolled in much more formal attire Santigo found it strange how many glances were torn away from his person. He was, of course, intimidating to behold so no one continued to stare after he noticed. However, it was unusual how interested the others about seemed to be in him. Upon passing a gaggle of lesser guards training and looking upon them only to see them continue their movements they had stopped when he was not looking, Santigo became slightly concerned.

He pursed his lips as he ended his rounds. Finding an empty spot next to Corin. She sat on a bench in the garden, taking this rare time to herself to flick through modern magazines. Santigo did not sit next to her but rather stood near her person. It was usual to see her outside the tower but Santigo assumed the wives were with their husbands. As, you know, happens sometimes. Corin glanced at Santigo with a bored expression. It was not something in her control, many hypothesized it was an effect of her gift. But who really knows? Corin was not one to get overly excited at anything.

"Are you really here to ask for contentment? Seems to me that you should be fairly well set, seeing as you've gained the favor of a queen." She adjusted the magazine as it started to fold on her. A stack of others rested beside her, beneath a lined list of things she wished to purchase, and three small bottles of nail polish. Corin looked away from Santigo, returning her gaze to her readings. "...lucky you..."

"I've no need of your gift. I am content in my position already." Santigo assured, Corin closed the magazine to turn a page.

"Lucky me." She mumbled. She doubted Santigo wished her to use her gift anyhow. He never did partake. Such a staunch man.

"Should I be on guard?" He asked.

"Isn't that your employment? To be guarding?"

"That is not my meaning." Santigo clarified. Corin gave a nod in understanding.

"I think you've overstepped your means. Not that I blame you. If our new queen has taken a liking to you as a guard, there is nothing to be done." She droned, turning another page. "Felix is spouting some nonsense about your ungrateful expression at the honor of her escort. Your escorting was a while ago now. If Felix planned on acting upon his threats I imagine he would've done so by now." Santigo's head tilted as he looked at Corin.

"Threats?" He queried. Corin's head lopped to the side as she gave Santigo an incredulous stare.

"Does our new queen have you living beneath a stone when not needed? I'm surprised word has not traveled to the kings with how loud Felix has been in his desire to...you can guess. He wishes to teach you a lesson in gratitude. Believes your expression to be an insult to our royals." Santigo rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"Ridiculous." He shook his head. Corin shrugged.

"Tis the effects of my counterpart. Chelsea has secured Felix's bonds too tight. Who knows why. Who cares? Felix questions your loyalty because his is unquestionable. If I were you I would act more excited to perform your duties around him."

"I've no need to perform for Felix's sake. That I execute my work diligently is enough. I have nothing to prove to any of my colleagues." Corin lifted and lowered her shoulders in a shrug, closing the magazine.

"I do not know you all that well, Santigo. But I have seen you about enough times to understand that we are alike in our expressions. Seeing little need to react to every minute thing does not mean one is disloyal. You work well from what I've seen. The whole of the guard is not against you, only one. I think, those who've stared enough to alert you to be cautious, are only waiting for some excitement. It has been a long couple months." She opened a deep red nail polish, the smell made Santigo's nose wrinkle slightly. He fixed his face and thought a moment before speaking.

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