6: Patrolling in the rain

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It was a rarity to find any intruders upon the Volturi's grounds. The occasional ruffian perhaps. Very human, easily disposed of. However, any real threat was not often found. Who in their right mind would meet the entirety of the Volturi on their own grounds? Patrols seemed more and more like a formality as the years passed yet Santiago went about them without complaint. As was his way. 

Night brought rain along with its' dark. Soft drops plunk against forming puddles or trailed down weighted leaves in the garden. Santiago lifted a hand, observing the way rain reacted to his skin. Like splashing against stone. It felt warm, certainly warmer than him. Soon a small pool gathered in the dip of his palm. A small, temporary sea doomed to destruction upon Santiago's will. He watched until he could look upon his own reflection in the water. He never really took time to study his face after the initial change. Everyone seemed entranced by their newly acquired vampiric features upon first receiving them. Santiago noted how he did not look as clean as he once did. The years had not aged him in any normal way. Scars otherwise unseen by mortal eyes flecked his cheeks. They were remnants of his battles, he was sure, before and after joining the Volturi. He was never part of the Romanian coven's destruction, so his eyes did not have the same papery film his counterparts had. They did seem, despite the lack of imperfections about them, tired. Which was strange to Santiago.

In a bored motion he poured out the contents of his palm, watching as his reflection slowly slid off his hand onto the ground below. He curled his fingers into a fist to be placed alongside him as he began his patrol once more. His hood protected well enough from the rain as he strolled. The wind was not bad enough to push the storm onto his face. On the horizon, Santiago saw a break in the clouds, hope for the storm to soon end. It was rather loud for vampire hearing.

"How are you fairing, Santiago?" The hulking man turned his head, looking down upon the woman next to him. Her mahogany hair was hidden beneath a hood similar to his own.

"I am quite well." He answered, at this Heidi flashed her teeth with a grin.

"That's great!" She exclaimed. "You need to stay in top shape if you are to be the lone guard on Master Marcus' journey." Santiago gave no sway to his emotional state, he had already guessed why Heidi had approached him. The same reason others had since the day of Master Marcus' declaration in the courtyard. Normally, Santiago was not very approachable.

"I cannot speak on our future queen. We have not conversed as often as what was implied. I have nothing to infer as to what she is like nor do I know how I have come to be given the great honor of escorting our majesties on their trip. I am but a humble guard. Without aspirations of ascending above my station." He attempted to shake off the charming woman. Heidi frowned.

"I know that." She pouted. "Mistress Taylor and I have conversed on occasion as well. She complimented my color coordination upon our first meeting." Heidi placed a proud hand upon her chest as she spoke. "You are not the only one that has been bothered by the lower guard as of late. Although they might pester you more due to your closeness with the queen's father. Mr. Darnell Johnson."

"Yes. But I did not speak unless spoken to, and did not pry for information on the future queen in our discussions." At this Heidi tilted her head.

"Why ever not?" It did not make sense to her why Santiago wouldn't reach for more. She could never be satisfied with such a lowly position. Sure, he was used more often than other guards of his rank. However, he was no Felix. Felix was high guard though he wore grey robes, an asset to the kings. It would do Santiago well to make himself noticed. In Heidi's opinion, it was foolish to develop such a conversational bridge with Taylor's parents only to let it slip away upon their leaving. Having not taken advantage of their closeness whilst they were nearby. Santiago shrugged.

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