Chapter 43 ~The Power Of The Curse Mark~

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With a crazy laughter, I launched myself at him with my scissors in hand and as expected, his freaking sand tail, which I just noticed awhile ago, tried to shove me away like a bug. Before it could even hit me though, I teleported and appeared behind him, managing to go through his stupid tail and kicking him hard on the head. From the force, he flew forwards but still landed on another branch with the help of his stupid freaking tail and arm. I was about to attack him again when he held his head and..... What the hell? He's in pain and I don't know why. Maybe because of his past? It's a very cruel one and I even cried when he told it, but seriously? Why does he remember it right now? Doesn't matter! Hahhahaha!!

"I'm going to freaking kill you and shove my freaking scissors down your freaking sand throat, you stupid freaky demon! I will kill you!" I yelled and attacked Gaara again. This time, I made sure to use my scissors on him. After a multiple times of teleporting mid-air and trying to go through his defense, I somehow managed to wound his still-normal arm and made it bleed, causing him to scream in pain. As for me, I jumped back and landed on a branch meters away from him, smirking. There's blood on my scissors and it's his. Ain't this exciting? Wait....

"Worried for your friends.... That's your mistake! When I fight, I fight for me alone!!" Gaara yelled after releasing screams of pain and I just smirked when the sand covered his entire body, except for his legs.

"You really are freaking challenging me, you freaking sand demon!! How dare you freaking take over Gaara's damn body?! I will not freaking forgive you for that!! Die, you ugly freak!" I yelled and launched myself at him again. I don't know what I'm doing. My body's moving on its own.

Naruto's POV

I watched as Kou attacked Gaara. He transformed again and now, the sand's covering almost his entire body! As for Kou, she has a smirk on her face but something weird is going on. Tears are trickling down her face and there are black marks spreading out on her body, just like Sasuke's! I have to help her fight! Better summon the Chief Toad. I did a few handsigns and bit my finger, drawing out blood. When I did the summoning technique....... What the..... A stupid frog appeared! A stupid tiny frog!

Kou's POV

"Sand Shuriken!" Gaara said and freaking shuriken-like sand went dashing towards me. I simply teleported and avoided it.

"*laughs* Game rules!! Rule number one..... We can use any weapon or technique! Rule number two..... Only the ones included in the game must play, outsiders aren't allowed to join anymore when the game is already on-going or has already started! Rule number three, more likely the main point of the game or how the game'll go, the one who bleeds the most will lose, also the one who has the most cuts and wounds! Ready your freaking self, you stinky beast!!" I yelled and felt a different power inside me. It's so.... Strong. This is perfect. I love this! Hahahaha!! I used it to increase my speed and wound him. That freak is just attacking me with a bunch of stupid sand techniques!! That won't be enough to get rid of me! Hahhahaha! So pathetic!

I jumped back and landed on a branch, feeling a bit weird. My sight slowly became blood red. Everything became a bit red and I felt a stronger power rushing through my veins. Something stung in my back and before I even know it, I heard the sound of my flesh and shirt getting ripped a little. It freaking hurts like hell and some liquid trickled down my back, which I expected to be blood, but I remained smirking like a stupid freak. Two weird things came out from my back, it feels like something's forcefully pulling two things from my body, and that's when I screamed in pain, tightly hugging myself. I couldn't act so cool anymore because my back felt like it was getting ripped to pieces!! Two weird things grew on my head too and after all the pain, I suddenly felt a lot better. I suddenly felt great. My fangs grew a bit longer and sharper as well, and when I slid my tongue on it, blood came out. I don't know why I feel this way but I'm thankful because I feel so strong!! Hahahahah!!! (A/N: Kou's like the girl in the picture, but not really. Just imagine her having the same black wings and same red horns. As for the hairstyle, Kou's hair will remain the same but a different color and so as her eyes, the fangs too)

Sasuke's POV

My eyes widened when Kou's appearance suddenly changed. Two black wings came out from her back and two small red horns came out from her head too. It happened when her black markings disappeared. I thought that she would be back to normal because her markings retreated but.... I thought wrong. Her markings didn't retreat at all. It probably went on her back and made those wings appear. Also, her eyes turned from green to blood red. Her white silver-like hair changed to black too. Not just that, her fangs grew longer and right now, it's already visible to us.

Is that the power of the curse mark? It's so terrifying. Its power even made her appearance change. I can't believe that it would be that powerful and strong.

Kou's POV

I laughed hysterically and pointed a finger at Gaara. "I freaking seriously don't know what the hell just freaking happened but it doesn't freaking matter right now!! You and my damn surroundings are all blood red! It's so freaking cool! You better get freaking ready because I'll seriously freaking play with you! Hahahhaha!!"

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