08-Curly Shepherd

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"Did ya tell Soda man?" I questioned.

"He's gotta know man!" Dally added on. The whole gang kept snickering after the incident with us saying the same things at the same time.

"I didn't tell him. I ran here right when my shift ended."

I got up and I already had my sweatshirt and flannel on including my converse so I was about to bolt out the door. (In pain.) That was until Dally came behind me, grabbed my waist, and pulled me back.

"I've gotta tell em' man, let me go!"

"Your injured!" He shouted back at me.

"I'm fine!"

"You got your blade?"

"Yes Dallas, I got my blade, man!"

"Why don't we talk to Darry when he comes home and also see if Sandy told Soda anything tonight." Johnny suggested.

"But what about Soda?! What if Sandy doesn't tell 'em'? MAN, WHAT IF SODA CONTINUES TO LOVE HER KNOWIN' NOTHIN' MAN! I'm not in a state to help him when he finds out the hard way!" I shouted. That was most quiet the house has been in a while.

"He will be fine Dylan." Steve quietly said. I grabbed my sketchbook and slammed the door on the way out. I grabbed my skateboard that I threw by the door and my cassette player with some Rolling Stones tape in it.

They were both a gift from Liam a few years. Just like my guitar. He tried his best to give me distractions from our parents.


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I knew today would be a hard day to ride around because it was cloudy and the middle of winter. The sidewalks and parking lots were clear though. I'd be fine. I focused on the songs playing.

I felt a little dizzy and had to stop for a second but then kept riding.

I went to the DX lot, it was a ride and far away from my problems. I was doing some jump tricks up on the curb when I sensed a stare. I kicked up my board and caught it. I paused my cassette player.

I was a foot away from the one and only Curly Shepherd.

"Well if it ain't Shirley Shepherd." I moved my ponytail from off my shoulder and raised my eyebrows at him.

"Uhhh what is it?" He snapped his fingers, "Daniel Bennet?" He ignored my teasing. But man he forgot my name! "You look rough." He commented on all the cuts and bandaids on my face.

"What brings ya here, man?" I ignored his comment.

"From New York?" He questioned my accent. I've talked a few times to him but that was with the gang around and he never truly pays attention to me, a girl, as some say 'a boy wanna be.'

"The one and only NYC."

"Interesting." He nodded again.

"You're not actually interested," I said to his comment.

"No, I'm not, just trying to get on your good side."

"Aaaaaaand why's that?"

"I want you to tell Soda that Sandy doesn't want to be his girlfriend anymore."

"Does Sandy want me to?"

"Yes, Bennet. She don't wanna tel-"

"Doesn't." I corrected.


"Just because we New Yorkers are bad at grammar does not mean I don't go to school. It is doesn't not don't."

"Whatever weirdo. Sandy wanted me to tell you, to tell Soda, Sandy DOSEN'T want to be his girlfriend."

"Why me?"

"You are his best friend, I'm surprised you guys aren't even dating yet."

"Oh shut up. I'm not interested in relationships right now."

"If you ever are I'm here." He nudged me with his elbow.

"Ain't ya' with Sandy though."

"Yeah." He stated plainly.

"Thanks but no thanks. Go tell crusty to tell Soda herself." I threw my skateboard down and was about to ride off when Shepherd decided to pull a blade on me.

"I'm not scared of gettin' hurt by a 15 year old male dating a grandma, man." I pushed his hand with the blade away and rode off, my music playing and my board rolling.

What a weird day. It's just gonna keep gettin' weirder.


I walked to the door of the Curtis household when all the boys jumped up and ran to me.

I chucked my skateboard onto the porch. The sun was setting a beautiful hue.

"What'd y'all want?!" I asked as I took a step back. I didn't want to get trampled.

"Did ya tell 'em?" Dally angrily questioned.


"We think Darry should tell em', bein his brother and all." Steve piped in.

"I was off skating when Curly approached me. He told me to tell Soda that Sandy is breakin' up with him."

"Are you gonna?" Pony asked quietly.

"Naw, I told him to have Sandy talk to em' herself. He got kinda pulled a blade on me. I pushed him away and rode off. Obviously."

They all looked at me concerned.

"What?" I asked getting uncomfortable.

"Are you ok?!" Steve asked.

"Guys I'm fine! When is Darry coming home?"

"Soon," Johnny muttered. They all trudged inside. I plopped down on the steps. I grabbed my sketchbook out of my bag.

I've had mad artist block lately so I just flipped through the pages.

"Ooh lookie here!" Dally came up behind me and grabbed it out of my grasp.

"Dal give it back!!!" I jumped up and tried to get it but he held it up high, taller than me. "Dally!"

He started to flip through the pages. I sat back down and put my head on my knees. My sketchbook is my journal.

"God, man. This is deep."

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