07-Ugh Relationships

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Dylan' POV

I woke up still in Soda's embrace. He was awake and watching TV.

"Don't you have work?" I whispered. He looked down at me.

"No, not today. At least according to Steve. You feeling better?"

"Well I did almost die,...so I'm pretty good." I sarcastically joked.

"If I head out and do something will you be ok here for a while?"

"Yes Soda, I'll be fine. I can always do the school work I will miss today." He smiled at me and got up.

I think he went to shower and change so I walked to my house, being two minutes away. I showered and peeled off the dirty and bloody clothes. I put on my signature outfit.

Plaid over a sweatshirt, boot cut jeans, and red converse.

I never wear any make-up, although I do wear earrings sometimes but I'm as tomboy as can be. I only have friends that are boys so...


I headed back to the Curtis house remembering to grab my sketchbook, and skateboard. I would never show the boys what I sketch, they already look down on me for being a girl even though they try to treat me like they treat each other.


It was around three and I was sitting on the couch drawing, the TV was on because Two was watching Mickey but I don't watch TV.

"Watcha drawin'?" I looked over to Two who was looking over during a commercial break. I just shrugged.

(Not my drawing)

I was drawing a girl listening to music

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I was drawing a girl listening to music. Another thing the boys don't know about me. I'm very artistic, I make music sometimes with a guitar in my room, I sketch, plus like skateboarding.

STUPID!" I jumped at the raised voice. I immediately lost my balance and fell back onto the couch.

"What the heck Steve!" Dally shouted from behind him in the doorway.

"Soda's girl Sandy, she cheated on him!" Steve shouted once again. It's never quiet in here!

"No way man!" Dally and I both sarcastically said at the exact same time. We all knew this was coming.

Two Bit burst out laughing and so did Pony and Johnny from their chairs.

"What?" Dally and I both said looking at them suspiciously.

"Your New York accents at the same time are hilarious." Pony answered our question.

I moved from New York when I was ten and have been friends with them for six years. Dallas came when he was eleven so he's been here also for six years. They still haven't gotten over our accents. I try my best not to change my voice because I love the way I sound but when Dally and I are speaking to each other with our slang and pronunciation of words the whole gang teases us about it. Liam started sounding like everyone else a year after living here, he wanted to fit in, and Gabe's life has mostly been here so I'm the New Yorker in my family.

"Ok back to the topic!" Steve shouted over the laughter.

Dally came and sat next to me. I quickly shut my sketchbook and set it aside.

"What's that man?"

"Nothin' man," I replied to Dally.

The whole gang continued to snicker.

"Ok, Steve what happened?" Johnny asked.

Steve walked and sat right beside me which caused me to be squished in the middle.

"Oh yes allow me to provide you a spot Stevio." I sarcastically remarked in slight pain. He ignored it.

"Soda's goin' on another date with Sandy tonight. I saw Sandy make out with, uhh I think... OH WAIT! SHE MADE OUT WITH CURLY!! In the middle of an aisle!" Steve shouted after remembering. He was hyperventilating at this point.

"Ain't he like 15?" I asked.

"Yess! SO WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" Steve couldn't chill.

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