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Sunday: Halloween pt. 2

"Dominic!" They had been yelling his name in unison for the longest time. The boy was unresponsive.

They grew quiet once the basement door had opened. Their hearts began to pound.

Ashley was super confused to why the cops hadn't been here, doing what they were supposed to do, she just hoped that something good happened soon. That the cops were only taking long because they were bringing more cops.

She only hoped for something good to happen.

Her eyes were fixated on both Ghostface who stood in the middle of the empty cold basement. She could feel her hands going numb from the coldness and being tied up.

"What the fuck do you want from us?" Giana asked weakly, her head dropping down in defeat. Ashley sent Ethan and worried look as she looked back at her sister. They stayed quiet. One slowly walking up to Giana and the other to Ashley.

Ashley shook in fear, trying her best to breath steadily as she could. But it got worse once she felt the cold blade against her face. "Fuck you!" She could hear her sister yell. "Why are you doing this?" Ashley held back her cries. She didn't want to seem weak. But she was assuming that this person already knew that she was.

"Leave her alone!" Ethan called out, making Ghostface turn to the boy. Ashley watched as Ghostface stood up and slowly approached Ethan, she hated every moment.

If she was being honest, she felt better being under the knife instead of having to see her sister and best friend under the knife.

"Please.." Ashley pleaded. "Who are you and why are you doing this!" Giana kicked Ghostface, Ashley's head whipped towards thr sound of the knife hitting the basement floor.

The silence from each other them scared her. They didn't reply or react to their questions or actions.

She heard a yell from the left of her, causing her to look. The knife had been in Ethan's stomach. "Stop!" Ashley finally cried.

The person pulled the knife out of Ethan's stomach. They were pulled back by there other partner.

Ashley didn't understand why Ethan had it be stabbed another time. It was already bad that he had just been in the hospital and stabbed not too long ago. They were really trying to kill Ethan.

Ethan choked up on his blood causing Ashley to cry. She tried breaking out of the rope her arms were tied together with but it was no use.

"This is too fun!" It was one of the Ghostface. But they were using the voice modulator. They pressed the button again before speaking. "You four are the stupidest fucking people on the planet. It's pathetic! It was so easy to get you down here. All that fight practicing just to end up down here!" They all furrowed their eyebrows at their words.

"Mikah?" Ashley asked, feeling her heart drop, feeling betrayed. "Mikah is just as weak as all of you. His football scholarship must have been a fake because he's not strong at all." They spoke. "We know it's you Mikah! You're the only one not down here. You were with us all night while we practice!" Giana spoke, grunting in pain.

"Like I said, I'm not Mikah." The threw the voice modulator to the other Ghostface. The three watched as the person reached for their mask. With a quick motion, the mask was off.

Ashley could feel her heart drop through her stomach.

"A-Anthony?" Giana asked defeated. "Why would you do something like this?" She asked.

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