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They were back in the hospital. For the second time this week. Ashley had basically escaped the hospital even though she was supposed to be on bed rest for three days.

But now she didn't even feel like she deserved bed rest after seeing Ethan laying on the ground in a puddle of his own blood. His phone was nearly dead along with it being covered in blood.

He was completely unconscious when they found him. He wasn't too far from the condo either.

Then when they called the cops and ambulance, on the way to the hospital, the doctors had got his heart beat going again.

Now they were down to four. Well, three and since Ashley could still barely move. But she still forced herself to no matter how bad the pain was.

What once was a group of eight, was now a group of four.

The sunlight was rising, it was nearly six in the morning and they were finally in the waiting room after sitting outside of the hospital until it was visiting hours once again. But they couldn't visit Ethan right away because he was still in surgery. So every thing came to a stop.

Ashley had been super upset, and quiet while her head rested on Dominic's shoulder. Giana on the other hand had her head rested on Mikah's shoulder.

"Hey, Mik.." Giana started, the boy looked at the top of her head since he couldn't really look her in the eyes. She seemed to be very snuggled up with him. "Hmm?" He hummed. "I'm sorry for saying that we don't like you. It was a joke but it came out like I meant it. I know that you've been trying to help." She spoke softly.

The way things were looking, she didn't want him to believe that they actually disliked him. She never meant what she said in the heat of the moment. She only ever tries to make people feel bad when they've done or said wrong.

"It's okay. I know that I can be a jerk sometimes." He replied and she laughed. "You've been a jerk this whole week so far. I was missing the sweet Mikah." Giana laughed softly. Mikah playfully rolled his eyes. "When have I ever been sweet to you?" He joked. "All the time." Giana shrugged.

Dominic smiled at the two interacting, he moved his shoulder slightly to gain Ashley's attention.

He was about to tease Giana and Mikah, but he noticed how upset Ashley seemed. Which it made perfect sense. "It's not your fault, Ash." He spoke, gaining her attention instantly. "But it is...I was the dumbass who drove him away while he was trying to comfort me. I made him upset, he left, and he almost died. The doctor said he stopped breathing for six minutes, Dom." Ashley could feel the tears welling her eyes as she tried to remind Dominic of what happened.

"Yeah cause it was totally for decision to make him go take a walk." Dominic replied sarcastically. Ashley took her head off on his shoulder and punched it. "What the fuck was that for?" He asked as he placed his hand over the part of his arm that had been throbbing slightly. "For being sarcastic all the time! Can you just give a good pep talk or something?" The girl complained.

"A pep talk? Dude, it's Friday, we've been going through this shit since Monday. I think a pep talk is a little useless now." He said. And before Ashley could reply, two people walked in which gained all four of their attention.

"Are you guys the group of teens who needed help?" The cop asked. "Holy fuck it took you guys long enough." Mikah spoke. "We're sorry about that, we just wanted a brief explanation for what happened?" The older man asked.

"Brief? Okay, well we're all being hunted down by some fucker in a Halloween costume. They have killed two of our friends, one of our friends isn't here because the costume freak called from his mom's phone and he's making sure that his mother is alive. And lastly, our breathing evidence! This one right here," Dominic stood up and grabbed Ashley's hand and pulled her up. "She just came from the hospital yesterday since she got stabbed up just like our buddy Ethan who was found last night in a puddle of his own blood after he decided to go for a walk. So don't tell me that you guys can't help us when we all have clear fucking evidence, and not to mention, cops are at Ethan's crime scene right now." Dominic explained.

The cops stood their stunned, only nodding as much as they could. They knew that the blonde haired boy was right. They have evidence and proof that they were being hunted down.

"What were the names of your first two friends who were killed?" The younger looking cop asked. "Macey Hale and Michelle Landstorm." Giana spoke up. The older cop nodded. "I was at both crime scenes earlier this week." The cop confirmed. "If you want more evidence we get calls from an unknown number. It's usually the Ghostface creep." Mikah said, thinking of the phone in the condo since he's personally never got a call from Ghostface yet. "Yeah, can you guys look into the calls?" Ashley finally spoke up. "This should have been gone under investigation. I am sincerely sorry for the wait. We'll go back to the station and I'll send down some armed officers to look over you guys." The older man spoke.

Giana nodded hesitantly as she looked over to her friends and sister.

"Great." Dominic spoke, making his friends all look over to him.

*.·:·.☽✧    🔪    ✧☾.·:·.

Ashley walked out of Ethan's room, looking at her sister and friends who all had hope in their eyes. Not because they wanted to know if Ethan survived, they know he did. But they were looking to see if she and Ethan had resolved their conflict.

Ashley sighed deeply as she shook her head, swallowing the pit in her throat. "He didn't want to talk to me." Her voice was shaking as she spoke, they could tell she was hold back from crying. "Okay, that's bullshit." Dominic spoke. "No, I understand. I accused him of being Ghostface. I knew that he'd never hurt me and I still assumed that it was him. I wouldn't want to speak to someone who accused me of being a murderer either." She huffed, wiping the tears that mindlessly fell down her face.

"Not trying to sound like a cliche movie character, but this is what this fucker wants. They want us to all get mad at each other, split apart so they can get us one by one. We can't let that happen, okay?" Giana asked and they nodded. "We won't let it happen." Mikah stated, they nodded.

"Someone can go visit Ethan now." Ashley spoke, they looked at her with sorrowful eyes which didn't help, it only made her want to cry even more.

By the time they were all done visiting Ethan, they cops who were going to look after them had arrived. Mikah shook his head as he spoke his mind.

"We're like a group of Sidney Prescott's." He said which made them all turn back to look at him on disbelief. "Mikah don't say that, shut up." Ashley scolded him. "It's true! We're getting terrorized by someone in a mask, and now we have personal security guards." Dominic was being sarcastic as always. His sarcasm never leaves.

"Okay well Sidney Prescott is an actual person who went through the same actual trauma so maybe let's try not to joke like that." Ashley said. "Fine. Since you wanna be a baby about it." Dominic mumbled but she heard him.

"What do we do now." Mikah asked since they were all sitting down in the waiting room with nothing to do left. "We go in Ethan's room, we make a plan, and we propose it to the cops. A plan to catch this fucker." Giana said. They nodded in agreement. "Let's hope we catch this fucker."

a/n: dude this didn't have much of Ethan in it, js his name BUT STILL. anywayyyyy shits about to go down. secondly, HOW TF does my book now have 12k reads?!!? THAT QUICK? I need to start editing these chapters so that I won't be embarrassed by all the typos that I made😭 BUT THANK YOU ALL! AND THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SWEET/FUNNY ASS COMMENTS 💋🫶🏽

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