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Multiple missed calls. None were answered by Ethan.

Ethan walked down the loud city that seemed to be awfully quiet. He was trying his best to stay calm, nit get upset again.

He felt bad for yelling at Ashley. She had just been attacked so of course she'd find reasons and answers for her attack. He didn't blame her, she was only scared.

His phone had been ringing non-stop but he ignored it. He just wanted to breathe, to calm himself down so that he could go back to the condo to apologize to Ashley. He had truly hoped that he didn't scare her.

He did scare her, but not because he yelled at her, but because he wasn't answering their calls.

She didn't have a phone anymore since her phone was evidence in a plastic bag at the police station so she had been using Giana's phone. Dominic had also been calling but there was an empty line on his side too.

When he came back from his room Ashley's eyes widened with hope. "Hate to disappoint but he didn't answer." He said and the girl girl groaned. "What did you say? What happened?" Dominic asked. "She doesn't wanna say." Giana spoke for her. Dominic nodded understandingly and looked around the living room. "Where's Mikah?" Dominic asked. "Probably in his room complaining about how unfair we are to him." Giana spoke. Dominic sighed as he sat down.

"This shit is getting annoying. I don't understand why all this shit is happening to us." Dominic was ready to give up. Everyone was ready to give up.

Especially Ashley.

"Don't let your guard down." Giana reminded them. "If you do, you'll turn out like me." Ashley added jokingly. Giana cleared her throat, not finding the joke funny. Dominic on the other hand held back his laugh. "Shut the fuck up, Ash." Dominic tried to hide his laugh but he laughed anyway. Ashley laughed along, feeling insane.

"What is wrong with you guys?" Giana started laughing along.

They had felt so trapped in being afraid for almost a full week. They barely remembered what it felt like to laugh, have fun, and forget about their assignments.

But now it was constant worry and fear.

So it felt nice to laugh.

"What are we even laughing?" Dominic asked. Ashley shook her head. "No idea." She shrugged. "Hey can you all shut up!" They heard Mikah's loud voice from the room. "This is why we don't like you!" Giana yelled back.

It instantly grew quiet.

Giana looked at her sister and best friend to see them looking at her with wide eyes. Her eyes then widened as her hand mindlessly went up to her mouth in shock.

"Gi, that was so mean!" Ashley said, Dominic laughed once again.


There heads snapped to the condo's house phone.

"What the fuck..." Dominic muttered. "Did you even know about that phone?" Giana asked Dominic as she stood up quickly and approached the phone. "I mean, yeah and no. I kinda forgot about it. But only family knows that number." Dominic explained. It was the house phone. The phone that barely got any calls.

"Got any family out here?" Ashley asked. "Only my uncle and aunt." Dominic spoke once the ringing stopped. The three all stood staring at the phone.

"Was that just a phone ringing?" They jumped as they heard Mikah's voice. He was now standing in the living room.

The three were so caught up in watching and approaching the phone that they hadn't realized that Mikah made his way into the living room.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you all." He spoke. "Its fine. And yeah, it was the house phone." Ashley answered. "So, that wasn't Ethan?" He asked. The girl awkwardly shook her head. "Nope. Not Ethan." She answered. Mikah only awkwardly nodded back.

"Okay. So do we stay up and wait for him?" Dominic asked, Ashley looked at the three who stood near her. "I will. You guys don't have to—" She was cut off by the phone ringing once again.

"Holy shit this is annoying," Dominic grabbed the phone, pressing the answer button before placing the phone on his ear. "Who is this?" He asked.

The three all watched the blonde haired boy as he listened to the person speaking on the other line.

"Who is it?" Giana whispered. Dominic didn't answer. They all watched as his eyes grew wide as he rushed over to the door, grabbing his shoes. "What is it, Dom?" Ashley asked while walking after him, trying her best to put on her shoes as well, but she could barely bend over.

"I will find you, and fucking kill you, alright?" Dominic said into the phone and hung up. He quickly dropped the phone and turned to the three who were still behind him, putting on their things as well.

"It was that Ghostface son of a bitch. They have eyes on Ethan." Dominic said. "Shit! No! I knew this was going to happen! This is why I was worried. Its all my fault. If Ethan dies, its all my fault!" Ashley panicked.

They rushed out of the door before they could do anything else.

"What if this is a prank kinda thing? Remember how they threatened to get Ash in the hospital but they didn't?" Mikah asked. "No, Mik. That would let our guard down. If they actually are going after Ethan, we need to find him before anything bad can happen." Giana replied.

"And why havent we got the cops involved?" Mikah asked as they entered the elevator.

"Because they motherfucker is an actual ghost. They attack, then leave without a trace. We need more evidence and not just phone calls from an unknown number." Dominic replied. "Okay—Ash is literally walking evidence. That was attempted murder!" Mikah said.

"Let's talk about this later. Our priority is finding Ethan right now." Ashley spoke. They all nodded. Though she was right, they knew that they couldn't handle this on their own any longer.

not edited!!!
a/n: idk how to feel abt this chapter but here u gooooo! 💋🫶🏽


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