The Official Trial Judge for Slaves and Servants. CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX

Start from the beginning

"Greetings, Queen Angelina!" He bows, "Prince Perry." He bows again.

The man looks at me last, "Miss Elenor."

He takes my hand, kissing the top gently.

They told him my name?

He waits for all of us to sit before doing so as well. The man holds a folder made of thick parchment in his hand, those must be the documents.

Instead of starting conversion about why he is here, Queen Angelina is asking what type of tea he takes and if he enjoys the plate of food on the table. They eat fruits and cheeses I've never seen before. They're beautiful looking but I'm not craving any type of food, I'm too worked up about the future to eat.

After eating a slice of cheese that was cut in a triangle the man clears his throat, "It is a pleasure to meet with you once more, Queen Angelina. And I'm quite thrilled to be meeting you, Prince Perry."

The polite man has manners that even I couldn't undergo in learning, but sucking up to us all is the best way to have a meeting I guess. I'd expected a tough or roudy figure who is destructive and ready for an argument, this man is nothing of the sort, the complete opposite I assume. The older man gives me a glimpse of hope that he intends on freeing Perry.

The Queen finally cuts to the chase herself, "Now that we've greeted and had our food shall we discuss the topic of this meeting?"

The man agrees, flipping the yellowed folder wide open. It reveals a good sized stack of papers, and a note clipped to the top of the stack reading:

April 22nd, 1930. The last known document of ownership of Perry Donnan.

The man flips through the pages, pulling out the last piece of paper, "This states you were last bought in 1930, can you attest to that?"

Perry nods, "Yes sir, my owner must have had me for a few years at least."

"And how did you manage to be sold again?"

"My owner died and I was inherited by the closest family member, who also died. I was passed up through generations."

"If we have proof of at least fifty years of ownership up until today, then legally he can be a free vampire. We can search through death documents, and trace them until we find proof of your new ownership. For now, I'm unable to make you a free man until we have proof of ownership."

His words cut me like a knife, making me wonder if he even believes our story. For once, no longer feeling so shy, I speak up, "I can prove he was given to me."

The man turns to me, "Yes?"

"Perry was taken by werewolves, ordered by a cult called the Hunters. They were supposed to hand him over to the Hunters that day, but the wolves gifted him to me instead. We were on Earth, so there will be proof we came back to Elyria. We met two people who were investigating the loss of that wolf pack. They recently came back from their report, and the Elders have become involved."

He doesn't hesitate before responding, "Most likely those wolves are on trial, after being discovered on Earth. I can send away in search of those werewolves."

For once in my life I feel helpful.

The man nods, understanding where I'm going with this- tracking his owners from most recently and as well as from the past could be more efficient. The information I have will speed up the process.

Running feet from out in the hall distract me. I whisper to Perry, "Somethings going on..."

Soon enough there's a pound on the thick door, "Romi, I must speak with you immedietly!"

My Last Breath (Book one of The Portal Series)Where stories live. Discover now