Been here all along - cm

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"Y/n." You were shaken awake, but you refused to get up.

"A few more minutes." You grumbled, turning over and covering your head with the blanket. 

You were shaken again. "You can't do that, you can't say that to me and then go in and pretend nothing happened." It was her voice. 

Your eyes shot open as you flipped over, making eye contact with the girl despite the very dim lights. "Camila, what in the fuck are you doing in my room?" 

"Oh, come on y/n. I always come into your room through our windows. I tried texting, and throwing rocks, but you weren't answering." She sat on your desk chair, while you just laid on your side and propped your upper body on some pillows.

"I was asleep!" 

"Why are you sleeping so early?" Camila huffed, crossing her arms. You just shook your head with a smile.

"Because I'm exhausted."

"That's weird," She shrugged, leaning back. You rolled your eyes "Even for you."

"Oh shut up, you hoe." You retorted, making her gasp in feign offense. "What was so important that you had to climb into my window?"

She went quiet for a second, trying to form the words to ask you. "What were you talking about earlier? What do you know? Who told you that?" She was defensive, which caught you off guard.

"Easy there, detective," You joked, before going serious as well and sitting up. "What's going on with you?"


"Okay!" You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Why was she acting this way with you? "I know you're dating another girl."

"Oh." She went quiet, you nodded slowly, trying to read her body language. 

"I also know that it's Sammy. Why are you making it such a big deal?" You leaned forward, trying to make contact with her eyes. 

"I wanted to tell you myself, you know." She mumbled, you figured that she was a little ashamed. You sighed, dropping your shoulders. You were a little disappointed in her. "How did you know?"

"JP and Scott. They also told me that the two of you have been dating for quite a bit." It was not a fun moment for you, you didn't lash out at them. You didn't lash out at anyone, you just kept it inside and never let it out.

"It hasn't been that long." You scoffed at the straight up lie that she just told you. 

"A month! You had a whole month to tell me, Camila." To be fair, you were a little hurt that she's been lying to you. She's never done something like that before. She's never lied to you so much without any sort of reasoning.

"I didn't have the time to tell you." Another lie. It was just pissing you off even more. 

"Yes, you did! You walk to and from school with me everyday. When I'm not at practice or studying, I'm texting you!" You had your hands up and going around to prove your point. This girl didn't even spare a glance at you. There was something up with her and it was pissing you off that she wasn't even trying to fix it. "All I do is talk to you, and you can't even tell me that you're dating some chick. Fuck, Camila! Why didn't you tell me?"

She looked up at you. Finally. But the words that came out weren't the ones you wanted to hear from her. "I didn't want to hurt you." You shook your head in disappointment as you ran your hand through your hair.

"From what? What would hurt me?" You licked your lips, they were starting to get dry. The more this conversation went on, your stomach kept on twisting. "Because what's hurting me more, is the fact that you didn't tell me and I was told by other people. I love you, Camila, I've known you for so long. I thought you could trust me."

Dreaming Of You - Jenna Ortega imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang