kill somebody

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 "Now, now, Agent. I don't know what you're on about. What did I supposedly do to Layla?" Sam asked.

"What did you do? What did you do? You groomed her to help you murder all of those kids!" Emily growled, and Spencer could feel the tension all the way from his spot in the bordering room.

"Prentiss, come step out with me for a minute, okay?" Hotch interrupted. Spencer hoped they would go somewhere that he could hear, his desire for information bubbling up. He moved over to the door of the viewing room and pressed his ear to the crack. A loud bang sounded as the interview room's door opened and slammed closed behind the two agents, causing Spencer to jump. With a sigh of relief, he heard them stop instead of moving further down the hallway. He could hear them.

"What was that?" Hotch questioned. Spencer could almost see the anger on his superior's face, having gotten accustomed to his 'stern lecture' stare. He felt somewhat bad for Emily. Being on the receiving end of Hotch's anger was not fun.

"I just finished talking with Layla. I got her to open up to me. Apparently, Sam has been threatening Layla's life to hold her under submission. She made Layla introduce the group to that suicide pact website and encouraged them to check it out. That woman in there helped an orphaned, sick child and gained her trust only to use her for murder!" Emily was seething by the time she was done speaking, and to be frank, Spencer was as well. They see plenty of horrible cases in their jobs, but this one was turning Spencer's stomach in ways he hadn't experienced in a long time.

"Okay, I hear you. I'll let you question her if you take Morgan in with you and you stay calm. No more swearing at suspects, got it?" Hotch sighed. Spencer was surprised with how easy she got off. Before Emily could answer, Hotch's phone rang.

"Garcia." Hotch spoke after answering the call.

"Sir. I looked into the two girls and found no history of religious affiliation. Neither seem to have been involved with religion in any way." Garcia's voice crackled through the speaker.

"Huh. Well, thank you, Garcia." Hotch replied, sounding defeated. "Goo-"

"Wait!" Spencer burst through the doors and into the hallway, startling both agents. "Ask her if Samantha has a history with religion." Hotch's eyebrows lifted slightly in understanding.

"Garcia, I've got another name for you to cross-reference with religious organizations. Samantha Potts, P-o-t-t-s." Hotch switched the phone to speaker.

"Alright, coming right up in three, two, one... and I've got a hit! Your Samantha Potts is a member of Sunrise Baptist Church and leads their community outreach group. Yikes. You really can't trust anyone anymore, huh?" Spencer immediately perked up at the lead.

"Thanks, Garcia!" Spencer leaned forwards and exclaimed, body buzzing with electricity.

"Boy genius! Hey! I didn't know you were here!"

"Well, I am! I'll talk to you later, right now we've got a case to work." Spencer cut the conversation short at a warning glance from Hotch. Now was not the time for friendly chit-chat.

"Okie dokie! You've got this, crime fighters! Garcia out."

As soon as the call ended, everyone flew into action. Spencer returned to the viewing room - this time with Hotch and Rossi - while Emily and Derek went to speak with Samantha. They brought Layla's statement with them in hopes to pull an answer out of the woman through confrontation. Spencer was standing so close to the glass between the rooms that his breath was fogging it, but his anticipation was too great to make him move. Because of the nervous and excited energy in his body, Spencer was tapping his fingers on his legs. For once in a long time, he wasn't thinking about himself. Spencer was simply thinking about the suspect in the room before him and the way the interview could go. It was exhilarating. 

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