skin and bone

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 Blood was all over the room; splatters painting the walls, puddles seeping into the carpet, drag marks across the room. But worst of all, there was something written in blood on the wall. Will's body lay on the floor beside his bed, slumped as though he had tried to climb under it. Smears of blood leading to him started just inside the doorway.

"He was leaving his room when it happened." Spencer observed, pointing to the trail. "And he managed to fight back - hence the defensive wounds - by stunning the attacker, giving him time to crawl over to the bed."

"That's probably why the unsub stabbed him. It was most likely an automatic reaction to being fought against." Hotch added.

"But guys... what does this mean?" Derek pointed at the wall. A string of letters and numbers glared at them from above the victim's bed.

"Based on the letter and number placement, it looks like a Bible passage." Spencer mused, cogs turning in his brain. "It's coded, but it's a very simple code. Hints to an unsub with a lower IQ."

"Well, what does it say?" Derek asked, confused.

"The code reads 1 BNQHMSGHZMR 6 19-20. When deciphered, it says '1 Corinthians 6:19-20'." Spencer explained. "Basically, the unsub replaced every letter with the one before it. Hence C becomes B, O becomes N, R becomes-"

"Alright, we got it, Reid. Do you know what it says?" Hotch interrupted.

"Right, yeah, sorry. I do know. I actually memorized this verse when I was a kid-" Spencer's face flushed as he realized he was rambling again. "Sorry. It says, 'Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body'." He spouted off, face flickering through emotions as he processed what it meant.

"So, the unsub is angry with the victims for destroying their bodies, but comes and kills them in the same manner they claim to be sinful?" Derek huffed. "That's some backwards logic right there." Hotch stayed silent, watching pieces click together in Spencer's brain.

"No, no. It makes sense. We thought it was one of the girls in the group, yes? So, what if one of them feels as though they cannot do anything to themselves and is taking it out on others?" Spencer suggested.

"So, the victims were proxies for the unsub?" Derek questioned, eyebrows furrowed in thought.

"I agree with Reid. It makes a good bit of sense. That's the best lead we've got. Next course of action, we bring in Clara and Layla. Let's find out if either are religious and have ever self-injured or attempted suicide. Then we can move on with more questioning." Hotch stated authoritatively. "Let's head back to the station, I've got jobs for us when we get back. Reid, call Samantha Potts from SunnyDays and ask her if the two girls have mutilated their bodies in any way, either suicide attempt or self-injury. Morgan, catch the team up, they should be arriving at the station fairly soon. I'm going to talk with the local law enforcement to see if there's anything we're missing. You two can take the SUV, I'll ride back with one of the officers here."

"Can do, Hotch. See you." Derek lifted a hand to wave and led Spencer out of the house. As soon as his feet hit the grass, his chest began heaving.

"Derek." Spencer croaked, reaching out to grab his friend's shoulder for support.

"Oh, Spencer. Okay, come on." Derek's eyes widened and he immediately wrapped an arm around Spencer to help him to the vehicle. "Hold it for a little longer, pretty boy. You can let it out when we get in, but the family is right there. Just a little longer."

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