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Surprise and shock coursed through Spencer's veins when he woke up to sunlight shining through the windows. He went through the entire night without a nightmare waking him up. He had had a nightmare, of course, but it wasn't enough to startle him at some point in the middle of the night. Spencer felt a smile forming on his face as he slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Derek from his resting spot on the man's chest. His friend was still asleep, chest rising up and down slowly and face relaxed with the peace of unconsciousness.

Lifting his head slightly, Spencer read the time on his digital clock: 6:57. Only three more minutes until he would need to get up for work. He sighed and laid his head back down on Derek's chest, wanting to soak it in as much as possible before the stressful day ahead. Derek shifted underneath Spencer as he began to wake up.

"Morning, pretty boy." Derek's husky murmur sent a jolt through Spencer, a jolt he was experiencing more and more often. He wasn't quite sure how he felt about it just yet.

"Good morning." Spencer yawned and smiled at Derek, pulling himself up to a sitting position.

"You didn't wake up to a nightmare last night." Derek's eyes widened at the realization.

"Mhm. No screaming." Spencer gave his friend a tight-lipped smile.

"Did you have any nightmares? Ones that didn't wake you up?" Derek asked.

"Yeah. All night. I don't remember the last time I had a good dream." Spencer shrugged and reached up to rub the sleepiness out of his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Derek frowned as he sat up next to Spencer.

"No need to apologize," Spencer reached out and laid a hand on Derek's in a futile attempt to make him less sad, "I'm used to it." Derek just gave him a heavyhearted look and squeezed his hand before sliding off of the bed.

"Can I use your shower?" Derek asked, rummaging in his go-bag for an outfit to wear.

"Yeah, feel free. I should probably shower as well." Spencer huffed as he dragged himself out of bed. He needed to change his bandages as well; they were crusty with blood and made it painful to move his arm.

"Alright. Be safe, okay?" Derek seemed reluctant to leave Spencer alone. He couldn't blame him, not after everything he had put his friend through.

Spencer grunted and gave him an aloof smile before heading to his closet to pull together an outfit. He heard the shower flick on in the hall bathroom. Usually he would use that shower, but since Derek was here, Spencer was stuck with his on-suite bathroom. The first-aid kit was in the on-suite already, so it worked out in the end.

Entering the bathroom, Spencer dropped his clothes on the counter and closed the door behind him. He locked the door after a moment's hesitation. He knew Derek would be unhappy, but he was busy and wouldn't even know. It wasn't like he had anything sharp with him.

Spencer grit his teeth as he undid his bandages. The skin beneath was gruesome, the sheer amount of damage on full display. He took a deep breath before stripping out of the rest of his clothes. Spencer had to practically peel off his sweatpants and shirt, his skin soaked with sweat after a night full of terrors. Instead of cleaning and re-bandaging his wounds now, Spencer decided to clean them in the shower. He might as well, if he's going to be cleaning the rest of himself there.

Cleaning himself was nearly impossible considering the entirety of Spencer's arms were covered in new and healing gashes that sent spikes of pain through his entire body. He soon came to realize how difficult washing his hair was going to be. Groaning, Spencer gave up on his hair and moved to wash his body. His hair could wait; he probably had some spray shampoo around here somewhere anyway.

nemesism // spencer reid angstWhere stories live. Discover now