Chapter 7: Graveyard flowers 💃

Start from the beginning

Dancing has started in the main area of the Aquarium, and Tony's heart sinks. Before he realizes it, Sam and Jeremy have made their way to the dance floor and are slow dancing to some awful pop song, and Tony...feels alone.

He sits on the outskirts of the dance floor and watches until he feels nauseous with it and continues his search around the aquarium alone. He finds the sea turtles, passes the sharks again, and stops at the octopus tank. No one is around and his buzz has him craving fresh air, he looks for the nearest exit, finding none, he looks for the closest window. After a few awkward minutes of walking around and hiding from staff poorly, he sees a balcony door. He makes his way there and tosses the door open. He's on the third floor, bubble lights and crisp white tables line the back lawn of the Aquarium. He leans over the balcony edge and watches as people eat and dance to the thrum of music even he can hear a story up.

"I thought this was a mortal ball, a place to dance, not brood."

Tony is instantly turning around as he gets to his feet, startled at how close Rudolph is, hovering upside down. Tony wipes his eyes and smiles, closing the gap between them and gives him a bone-crushing hug, a little awkward, but the feeling is there.

"I never thought you'd be here," Tony mumbles as Ruldoph pulls away to set his feet beside Tony's.

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world, darling." Rudolph extends a hand to Tony and he takes it without hesitation, his feet lifting from the floor, guided higher and higher until they are floating above the angled roof, out of sight. Ruldoph pulls him in and they embrace again, months of being apart and longing finally releasing in a shaky breath. It is long, long moments before they untangle arms and legs, foreheads pressed together.

"Oh!" Rudolph perks up, rummaging around the inside of his jacket, "I have a gift for you." He pulls out a set of matching flowers, dried and devoid of color, graveyard flowers. Probably from back in Germany.

"They're perfect," Tony says, eyes shifting from the flower to Rudolph, he's looking at Tony with a familiar intensity.

"I'm glad you like them, Tony." Ruldoph tucks one into Tony's pocket next to the red square and then into his own, and for the first time tonight, Tony takes a moment to look away from Ruldoph's face and to the rest of him; Rudolph seems to do the same.

"Wow." Tony mumbles. Ruldoph looks amazing, like something out of a crappy teen fantasy novel. Dressed in an all-black suit and a full-length black and red cloak. Surprisingly, he's wearing black sneakers; it makes Tony's heart sing. So much about Rudolph has stayed the same, but so many things have changed.

Rudolph preens under the gaze and lifts them off the roof and back into the air, a gentle hand coming to rest under Tony's chin.

"You look ravishing my darling," Rudolph says as Tony returns his gaze to the vampire's, his face heating into a dark pink flush.

"Good enough to eat."

Tony chuckles, knowing the truth behind the statement and the absolute irony of it.

"So do you, Rudolph," Tony's heart swells with emotion, "I was so worried about today, I kept telling my parents that I didn't wanna go, it's not the same without the person you love. But I'm glad I came."

Rudolph's smile is warming, and before Tony could say more the rumble of the music slows and Tony looks to the ground below; a large group of couples slow dancing on the lawn surrounded by lights and small heaters.

"May I have this dance?" Rudolph quips, pulling back a bit from Tony and tucking his free hand behind his back in a formal gesture.

"It would be your pleasure," Tony replies, alcohol making him snarky, switching hands to face in the opposite direction.

(The little Vampire) Tony X Rudolph 'Slice Of Life'Where stories live. Discover now