➥ 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝗼𝐝𝐞 8

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Real beauty shines in simplicity

Iris walked onto the field to see her class grouped up, waiting to got on the bus

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Iris walked onto the field to see her class grouped up, waiting to got on the bus. She saw Su Ah and Taehoon, matching and posing while Ju Gyeong was taking a photo of them. "Hi!" Iris waved, the group turned around and waved at her.

When Iris walked up to the group Hyungyu and another girl arguing. Ju Gyeong was still holding her phone up to the couple posing, "Make a heart." She smiled. Out of nowhere Seojun came up and tapped Ju Gyeong's bag. Hyungyu pointed at them, "What the...Look at them. Are they also a couple?"

Iris awed, "How cute, I ship!" She shook Su Jin's arm. "What's going on? Why are you guys matching?" Su Ah tucked her hair behind her ears. "Are you guys making a surprise announcement of your relationship?" She jumped up and down. "That's not it!" Ju Gyeong denied. "Im Ju Gyeong, I think that's what you were going after."

Seojun leaned into the girl, "Did you wane to become my girlfriend that badly? Should we just start dating?" He bumped her shoulder with his. "What's wrong with you?" Her gaze fell on his shirt, she tugged on it. "Put your jacket on now." Seojun jerked away. "I don't want to. I'm hot."

Iris noticed Suho was standing with the friend group, she leaned forward and asked, "Don't you think they would be a cute couple?" Suho didn't answer her, Iris looked up at his face and noticed he was staring at the two arguing teens with a sour look. To be honest, Iris didn't know the full story.

Suho wasn't staring at the two with a sour look because he liked Ju Gyeong, mostly because how Seojun seemed to go after whatever Suho liked.

He liked Iris, Seojun went after her. He liked Ju Gyeong, Seojun went after her. Suho rolled his eyes and looked away from the two. He didn't care anymore, it seemed like Seojun took the wrong hint. Suho was done with his feelings for Ju Gyeong.

He realized how much he treasured Iris, when people say. 'You don't know something good until you lost it.' Suho would one hundred percent agree with them. He thought being a little more distant with Iris would work but instead it felt like he was torturing himself.

Suho couldn't put in words how much he missed Iris, and how these last few days with her have been nothing less than amazing. Su Jin snapped him out of his thoughts when she announced his presence. "Suho is here."


When the students got in the bus Suho sat in the front and waited for Iris to pass by, once the girl did. He motioned for her to sit down. "Sit." Iris looked at him weird, and asked. "What?" Su Jin ignored the two students conversation and butted in. "Oh, Lee Suho, you're sitting in the front? I'm sitting here." She squeezed past Iris and sat by Suho.

Iris blinked and sighed, she walked into the back and sat in her own seat, across from Ju Gyeong. Seojun sat by Ju Gyeong making someone say. "Pause! Pause!" Hyungyu pointed at them, back and forth. "Is this something like "we're a couple and sitting together"?"

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