• Luke, Leo. •

Start from the beginning

Once we arrived at the party, we separated ways. I found Islya and start talking to her. Unsure where Luke went.
"Islya, I did something wrong and I don't know what to do." I say as we sit down on a couch.
"What? Did you murder someone?"
"No! It's uh.." I scratch on my arm, "Y'know how I've been seeing like for awhile now?"
"Yes... where is this leading?"
"Let me finish! So uhh.. Leo Sorta uhh.."
"Oh god. Don't even finish that sentence."
"Shut up. So I kinda... slept with Leo... but then I slept with luke again, so I kinda cheated on both of them.. but they don't even know I'm seeing anyone else." I say, still scratching at my arm. She shakes her head in disapproval.
"You can't have them both, who do you want more?" She asks.
"I don't know. They're both great during sex, but I just don't know. I like them both."
"You're crazy." She laughs but her laugh got cut off by yelling. We look at each other confused but get up, going towards where the yelling is coming from. A big crowd was around a table. I push myself through and see Luke chugging a huge container of some sort of drink. Everyone was chanting for him and he finished it. Everyone started yelling and screaming. Luke noticed me and brought me to the middle. He handed me a container, similar to his but a bit smaller. Everyone started chanting for me as he stood besides me, waiting for me to drink. I wasn't sure what was in this but I started chugging it. Islya stared at me, Allison right besides her, chanting and laughing. All I can hear is people chanting 'CHUG, CHUG, CHUG'. I finish it and drop the container on the ground as everyone yells for me. Luke laughs as he pats me on the back.
"Good job." He smiles with a proud look on his face. Islya runs and grabs me before I lose my balance and walks me over to a wall pretty far from everyone.
"What the fuck Jack. You don't even know what was in that. That could've been drugged!" She yells at me but I couldn't really hear her. Everyone suddenly got louder and I couldn't focus on anything. I rub my eyes but it didn't help anything. Islya sat besides me and Allison sat besides her. A girl walked up to me and sat infront of me.
"Hi. I'm Chloe, Luke's ex girlfriend. It's cute how you're trying to impress him, but just remember this is my house and my party. Don't try too hard." She says with a threatening smile. She walks away and my head started throbbing.
"Can we go- somewhere else? It's too bright over here." I ask as I get up, Islya quickly standing up besides me. She grabbed my hand and started walking towards a bit of a darker place. There was a pool table and she sat me up on that. Islya and Allison sat on bar stools nearby. People started walking over to where we were but I didn't think much of it since it was a party. I rest my head on my hands. The music seemed to get louder as the minutes passed. A song started playing that I knew 'IWSS'.  All that was really happening was people singing besides me. I look up and saw Luke and his friend looking at me, talking about something.
I look around and zone out until I feel Luke's leg go in between my thighs and his hand go in my hair as our lips connected. His tongue explored my mouth as if it hasn't already multiple times. He used his other hand to untuck my shirt and put his hand under my shirt, rubbing my waist with his thumb. He takes off his shirt and throws it behind me onto the pool table. His mouth tastes like beer and other alcohol substances.  He breaks the kiss and starts kissing my neck, leaving obvious hickeys. I look around to see a crowd of people yelling and recording with the flash on. He climbs onto the pool table and I get on top of him, sitting on his lap and taking my off my shirt, throwing it besides Luke's shirt. I start kissing his neck, making him whimper in my ear. He wraps his arm around me as he sits up. I move my leg but he holds it down.
"Don't move~" He whispers in my ear.
"Not even this?~" I whisper as I start moving my waist back and forth, obviously teasing him.
"J-Jack.. Mhmh... Keep doing that.. F-fuck.. right there.. " He moans in my ear. I put my hand down his pants but islya grabs my arm and pulls me down.
"What the hell islya!" I yell as she hands me my shirt.
"I'm not letting you two have sex in front of everyone." She says as she stares at Luke sitting up, then me. A bunch of people shout at her for stopping us.
"Put your fucking shirts on or else I'll do it for you." She yells at the both of us.
"Fuck you, islya." I say as I slide my shirt on, tucking it in. She looks at luke, waiting for him to put his shirt back on. He groans and slides it back on.
"I'm getting you cold water. Go sit down somewhere." She says as she shoo's me away, running towards the one of many kitchens. I sit down on the wall we were originally sitting at. Allison sits besides me.
"You really like him, don't you?" She smiles.
I nod, as if it wasn't obvious.
"You two dating? Or is it just like.. a sneaky link thing?" She laughs a bit.
"It's... confusing. I think we're dating? I don't know." I shrug as islya walks over, handing me the water. I chug it down and it makes me feel sort of better.
"We're gonna leave, come on. I'll drive you home Jack." Islya says as she grabs her car keys and starts walking out the door, us following her. When we walked out there was another fucking crowd. We ignored it and started walking until I saw Luke in the middle, again. It seemed as if he was talking to someone, and it didn't seem friendly. I walk towards the crowd and quickly stop in my tracks after I see who he's talking to.

Leo stands infront of Luke.

I look at islya, "I have to leave right fucking now." 
I hear a bunch of gasps and turn around, Luke's nose is bleeding. Oh god. I push myself through the crowd so I can hear what they're saying.

"Just because your a stupid ass football player doesn't give you the right to be stupid and do stupid shit." Leo shouts as he shoves Luke.
"Stop fucking touching me Leo." Luke says under his breath.
"What was that sweetheart? I couldn't hear you." Leo says with a smile, still shoving Luke.
"I'm not fucking doing this with you." Luke says as he begins walking away.
"That's why I fucked Jack when y'all were still together." Leo laughs as he starts walking away aswell. Luke turns back around and runs towards Leo, grabbing the back of his shirt, turning him around and punched him straight in the face which sent him falling onto the concrete. Luke bent down and grabbed the collar of Leo's shirt and continuously punched the fuck out of him without stopping. Leo pushed himself away from Luke and stood up.
"He broke up with you but you made him drink just to make out with you. That's literally so pathetic." Leo said as he spit out blood.
"Keep on talking and your gonna be spitting out more blood." Luke said with a threatening tone. Leo punched Luke which made his nose bleed more, plus his mouth. Luke punched Leo's stomach which made him fall once again. Luke walked over and started kicking Leo in his stomach, which made him cough up a lot of blood.
"You're the pathetic one, you fucking annoying ass bitch." Luke says as he continues kicking him. Leo attempts to get up but luke just kicks him harder. Luke bends down grabbing his shirts collar again, lifting up Leo's body.
"Stay on the ground, it's where you fucking belong." Luke says as he shoves leo. I run over to them and Luke stands up, wiping his bloody hands on his shirt.
"What the actual fuck just happened?!" I shout.
"I put him in his place." Luke said with a smile.
"I'm going home." I say as I quickly run away. Luke looks at Leo for one last time, bent down and whispered in his ear.

"He's mine."

words: 2525

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