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A/N: this one and the next one are Wednesday and her family

Pugsley🧟: Wednesday, get your ass down here

Wednesday🔪: No.

Pugsley🧟: Dad got he and mom their own phone. They want your number so we can coumnicate with them through call or tect

Wednesday🔪: Pugsley, Your grammar and spelling is shit.

Pugsley🧟: idc

*several spams*

Wednesday🔪: Oh my fucking god, Pugsley stop spamming me.

Pugsley🧟: It isn't just me, Uncle Fester is doing it too on my phone

Wednesday🔪: Fine, but you're going on the nail bed later.

Pugsley🧟: goood enough

Pugsley🧟: good*

Wednesday🔪: Thank you for fixing your spelling.

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