Chapter 17: "I don't think I've heard you laugh that much."

Start from the beginning


We approached the moon-shaped island, the earth pulsating with Magma. It was a dream for me. Hot earth, my two elements bonding together in one bubbling mess. Too bad I couldn't use any of it. I pouted at the sight, all my senses turned on at the feeling of disrupted earth and heat. I reminded myself not to blow my cover and calmly and quietly hopped off the boat, avoiding making contact with the hot rock.

We snuck quietly past the defence and up the bridge, opening the red double doors with ease. I peered out into the wide hall, looking for any sign of a fire sage. How I hated fire sages. They thought they could firebend the earthbending out of me, but it just left me sweaty with first-degree burns.

I nodded at Zuko, skimming along the walls quietly. I rounded a corner too quickly, and a sage was walking down the hall. I gasped like an idiot in shock, and the sage began to turn around. My eyes widened as I felt an arm sharply grab my arm and pull me back around the corner, bringing me to a chest. I attempted to squeak out a shout of shock, but a hand clamped over my mouth. I recognised it was Zuko, but I think I had a right to be a little shocked.

We stood there, breathing heavily, for what was only a few seconds, but it felt like minutes. He slightly inched his head around the corner, letting go of me after. He charged on and I shook my head, keeping in pace behind him.

We walked through the maze of halls with no sign of the avatar until we heard voices up a staircase. The stairs led to Avatar Rokus's temple. We tip-toed up the steps, crouching down to get a good look. The avatar and his group were hiding behind pillars, having tricked the fire sages into opening the temple doors. They had a plan, but we were about to stop it.

We waited for the right moment, and my most recent dream loomed at the back of my mind. I felt almost guilty like I was betraying this figure in my dreams. I inhaled deeply, trying to assure myself that I was just making the Avatar's persona up in my head. It was a figment of my imagination.

The fire sage pinned his colleagues down, the water tribe siblings aiding him.

"Now, Aang!" The sage shouted out, struggling with the other sage in his grip. Zuko ran up and grabbed Aang, silencing him by placing a palm over his mouth.

Guess he does that to everyone.

I jumped up silently, not far behind Zuko, to ensure his safety. Silent ensued as Aang writhed in Zukos grip. We hid behind the pillar, Katars voice ringing out, "Aang! Now's your chance!" Zuko stepped out from behind the column, holding the struggling Aang.

I stood in a defensive stance, scanning the siblings. "The Avatar's coming with me!" Zuko claimed. The fire sages used the essence of surprise and gained the upper hand on the siblings and defect. "Quick! Close the doors," Zuko shouted out as the Fire Sages ran for the doors.

I watched it all unfold as I noticed out of the corner of my eye, Aang beginning to turn out of Zukos grip. Before I could catch a hold of him, he blasted both of us away, sending Zuko down the stairs with a scream and me smack into a column. I practically bounced off it, landing straight into the cold, red, stone floor. My chest compressed, and I heaved, the wind being knocked out of me. I coughed and clutched my stomach gasping for air.

I looked up to see Aang running through the doors at the last second, slipping through and sealing them shut, a blinding white light following the close. Zuko and the other sages, besides the one "traitor", attempted to re-open the doors with firebending, but it proved un-useful because those doors weren't opening.

The defect sage turned to me as I got up, leaning on the pillar, catching my breath. He stared at me inquisitively before his eyes widened. I quirked my brow at the man.

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