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"I tried to live in black and white but I'm so blue." TRUE BLUE-BILLIE EILISH


Hour eight

"When can we stop and get food I'm starving" Sky shouted so James would hear her at stop at the rest stop.

"Sky you ate half my fucking snacks and you're still hungry" Mariano snapped as the two continued to bicker as if they were children all the while Nova's mine wasn't in the car. It was miles away at Mit where her sister was.

Nicollet Moreno the proud heir of the Moreno industry was anything but proud of her title. She never wanted to be heir everyone thought that their parents shouldn't have a child after their brother Nathaniel. Then again Novalee and Nicollet were born and it was the youngest who took over.

In retrospect, you would have assumed that it would be Nate who played the wild child card, who would fall off the deep end time and time again to get his parent's attention, to get them to change tradition and make him the heir. One would be assuming wrong then. Nova was the middle child the one who faded into the background no one ever needed her but Nicollet, she had to be the perfect daughter and it was everything she wasn't. She was the wild child.

Since they were children Nova could remember her and her brother judging their sister for everything. What she wore, what she said, who she spent her time with. Everything she did in her who life was criticized by everyone around her so she just stopped. She stopped trying to be everything they wanted her to be and did what she wanted even if it went against her parent's rules and principles. This also led her to have sex with one of her father's very respected colleagues' sons who also happens to be six years too old for her at the age of seventeen.

That was three years ago. She somewhat got her act together after that to Nova's knowledge. What she did now that she was away from home at MIT wasn't her business. Yet again Nova would get the occasional phone call from her sister who always needed her for something.

Nova was always envious of her sister, the same way she was occasionally envious of her friends. They had the freedom she dreamt of. Going out every night since Nicollet was fifteen was something she envied never being able to do. The way her sister would talk back to their parents and not give a damm about what they said in return was also something she was quite jealous of. Nova wasn't even the heir and she still followed everything her parents said. Something she hated herself for.

"Okay okay for Fuck sake I'm stopping we've stopped get the fuck out and go eat" James snapped as Julie and Jake practically ripped open the doors and ran out of the car with Sky and Mariano closely behind like teenagers laughing their asses off while Julie tripped Mariano and continued to laugh the hardest.

"Julie laughs like my sister," Nova said watching as the four stumbled into the rest stop James was staring at her. 

"You rarely mention your sister," James said as Nova turned her head to face him. She sighed and looked away again before answering.

"With good reason, she's not the most responsible or reliable person ever. Plus she doesn't like me" she said. No matter what Nova had done to try and help her sister save her sister she always fell off the deep end and straight into the water head first at times. Nova gave up at one point she could have someone who didn't want to be saved.

"She didn't I can't imagine that you're an amazing person so that makes you an even better sister. You treat Julie like your sister" James said confusion laced in his voice. He never had a sibling. The most he had was Mariano growing up then Jake, and now Julie.

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