Autumn's body felt like a fragile vase about to shatter into a million pieces. The fear coursing through her veins was like poison, slowly paralyzing her with every passing second. She felt as if she was trapped in a nightmare, with no escape in sight. The touch of his lips on her skin felt like a branding iron, marking her as his property. She wanted to scream, to fight back, but her body refused to obey her commands. She was like a helpless butterfly caught in a spider's web, waiting for its inevitable fate.

"I can hear your heartbeat, baby. How desperately that fragile fist-sized muscle is trying so hard to understand what was happening," he peppered kisses down to her neck and then to her heart. His eyes burned holes in them. Those delicious mounds appeared even more appetizing up close. The cloth between his lips and her skin offered no aid. His gaze was so intense that she worried if that satin top would melt under his fiery gaze. He gently kissed there, puckering his lips, taking the skin into his mouth. Autumn clutched the bark with her nails, scratching it.

He laid his head there, listening to her rapid heart beating like a wild stallion in the wild. Her chest movement lulled into peaceful movement. "What do you want?" she suppressed her raging fear. She was so stressed that she was worried she would collapse any second now.

"You know Autumn. You know what I want," he didn't lift his head. He kissed her cleavage and rubbed his head on her chest. Clutching the buttons between his teeth, he began undoing her shirt. She tried, she tried stopping him, but why wouldn't her lips move? Why wouldn't her body cooperate with her?

She could see each button, each piece away from her modesty, opening her assets to this monster. The girl's eyes clenched shut, and her fists closed tight. One, two, three, he undid all of them. "So fucking pretty," he muttered, eyeing her treasure behind her shirt, "you know," he rubbed the cigar on her pebbled nipple. He could tell the shape and color of those beautiful buds.

He rubbed the cigar on it, making them erect. A glistening glimmer appeared in his bright blue eyes the minute he saw them erect. The thing was hot like a smoldering iron, hurting her buds. "I thought," he licked his dry lips. He was going to shoot God for creating a fuck worthy creature.

"I thought black was our thing, but looking at this purple underwear, I might think you are my Violetta," his words were like a slap on her dignity. How can a man be this shameless?

She slapped his hand away, "I will never give what you want. I refuse to take part in your sick obsession," her voice was definite. Though she was trembling from the inside, she cannot let this man know how much he was affecting her.

Zyler laughed. His voice echoed through the forest like a demonic chorus, a cacophony of madness and power. The sound sent a shrill down to her toes as if each note was a knife slicing through her skin. The trees rustled ominously in the wind, their branches like skeletal fingers reaching her. She felt like a trapped animal, alone in the dark with a predator circling her.

As the laughter subsided, Zyler's voice became low and dangerous, a whisper that seemed to come from every direction at once. "Then I will kill each and everyone you care about," he cautioned, his tone dangerously soft. That sounded like a regular dialogue in a movie that every villain speaks, but he knows it works. As long as people have weaknesses, he will keep exploiting them.

"Daddy dearest is a real estate agent, isn't he?" Zyler purred, pressing the pipe harder into Autumn's nipple. The pink flesh puckered, begging for his touch. She might deny this all she wanted, but her body told him to go with his desires. He will listen to her body, not to her innocent mind. "Imagine his business crumbling and mommy dearest falling ill and dying," he mused, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

"Those big, beautiful eyes of yours won't be able to save them from their impending doom, baby. No matter how wide you make them." Autumn's eyes widened in terror, and she struggled against his grasp.

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