Chapter twenty-three

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Ali's pov

There's something wrong with me and no one will tell me what, but I can feel that something isn't right. I can't feel my legs and it's starting to bother me. It's like they're there but not really, my legs are just dead weight. My brothers know what's going on and they won't tell me. When they look at me, I can see the sadness in their eyes. They all look so sad and I want to know what they're thinking but they won't tell me. They won't even talk to the doctors in the room with me, they always talk outside in the hallway. It's really starting to bother me because I thought we said there wouldn't be anymore secrets and now, they're keeping secrets from me again. Pietro came back in after talking with the doctor in the hallway and I decided now was the time to confront him and make him tell me what was going on. 

"What'd the doctor say?" I asked, 

"Nothing you need to worry about, tesoro," Pietro replied, (Treasure)

"Clearly, he said something and you won't tell me what," I said,

"You don't need to worry about what he said, you just focus on getting better," Pietro said, 

"I thought we said no more secrets," I said, 

"We did but-

"And this feels like a secret. Look, I know something is wrong, I can see it in your eyes and I can feel it so just tell me," I said, 


"Why won't you tell me? I know something's wrong because I can't feel my legs," I said, 

"You can't feel your legs?" Pietro whispered as if he wasn't asking me,

"Yeah, it's like my legs are there and I know they are, but I can't feel them," I said, 

"Ali," Pietro said,

"Pietro, I just need to know, please," I said, 

"Ali, I don't know how to tell you this," Pietro said, 

"Please, just tell me," I said, 

"Ali, you have a spinal cord injury and the doctors believe you've been paralyzed from the waist down," Pietro said,

"So, that's it? I'll never walk again?" I asked,

"They don't know, you're going to go to physical therapy and there's surgery that we can do. It may not be permanent," Pietro said, 

"A-are you going to get rid of me now?" I asked,

"No, no never. We love you, Ali and we would never get rid of you," Pietro said, 

"But, I'm going to be so much trouble now," I said, 

"Family sticks together and we always will stick together. We will never get rid of you, Piccolo Angelo," Pietro said, (Little Angel)


"No, you're not going anywhere anytime soon so get that thought out of your head," Pietro said,

"I'll never be the same again," I said, 

"No, but then again, no one stays the same forever. We're human, we're bound to change," Pietro said, 

"What about school?" I asked, 

"Well, you and Gio can be homeschooled until you both feel comfortable to go again," Pietro said, 

"Okay," I said,

"Alright, I love you so much, Piccolo Angelo," Pietro said, (Little Angel)

"I love you too, Grande Fratello," I said, (Big Brother)

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