Chapter ten

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Ali's pov

After lunch, the triplets walked us to our English class. As we were walking down the hallway, Emilio and Antonio were walking on either side of me. Emilio actually put his hand on my back as we walked, I noticed he was looking around like he was looking for someone or something. I didn't understand what was going on. I glanced at Gio and I noticed Luka was trying to put his arm around Gio but Gio wasn't having it. Luka was also acting suspicious and it was starting to bother me. When we got to class, Luka attempted to whisper something to Gio but Gio pushed him away. Emilio gently pulled me closer to him and kissed me on the head.

"Be safe, sorellina," Emilio whispered, (Sorellina-little sister)

"See you later, piccolo angelo," Antonio said, (Piccolo angelo-little angel)

"Ti amo cosi tanto, piccola farfalla," Luka said, (I love you so much, little butterfly)

After they left, Gio and I walked into the room and sat down in the back of the room. The class seemed normal enough but I noticed some of the other kids staring at us an whispering. It was kind of making me uncomfortable to have them all staring and whispering. I noticed a couple of girls glaring at me like I did something wrong. The two girls were sitting a couple of seats away from me and I could hear them whispering to each other, they were so loud that they might as well just shout what they were saying because I could hear them clear as day.

"Maybe she's their sister or cousin, I heard her say her name earlier," 

"What's her name?"

"Alessandra Moretti," 

So has to be either sister or cousin. I think cousin because if she was their sister then we'd know about it,"

"Yeah, and no sibling of the Moretti's would ever be that ugly so she's gotta be their ugly cousin," 

"Or she could be adopted, her parents could have given her up because she's so ugly and useless,"

"I saw her twin was speaking for her earlier. What kind of freak can't even speak for herself?" 

"Useless, ugly, mute freaks, that's who," 

I couldn't take it anymore, I could feel the panic beginning to set it. My breathing became harsh and I couldn't get a full breath in. The walls are closing in on me, they're going to crush me! I can't breath! Before I knew it, I was up and running out of the room. I could hear someone calling my name but I couldn't tell who it was. All I knew was that I had to get out of there. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and then I crashed into a wall. Arms shot out and grabbed my shoulders before I could run away.

"Alessandra, what are you doing out of class?" Luka asked.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Luka's pov

I had left class to use the bathroom and as I was walking down the hallway, someone ran into me. I realized that it was Ali that had run into me. I asked her what she was doing out of class and she looked up at me with a look of complete panic on her face. Tears were streaming down her face and she was hyperventilating. I realized that something was wrong. I gently guided her over to the bench that was near us and had her sit down. Once she was sitting down, her hands went to her head and started to pull her hair. I didn't want her to hurt herself so I took her small hands in mine and gently pulled them from her hair. 

"Ali, Ali, look at me,"

"Ali, focus on me. It's Luka, you're safe,"

It's okay, piccola farfalla. Focus on your breathing," (Little Butterfly)

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