Chapter Twenty-one

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Matteo's pov

The sight was horrible, my youngest siblings, my thirteen year old siblings, covered in blood, cuts, and bruises. It was hard to tell where they weren't injured in some way, there was just so much blood. I wanted to collapse into a puddle of tears but I knew I couldn't, they needed me and I needed to fix them. When they had been kidnapped, it was like my world collapsed. But, this was so much worse. I could only imagine what was happening to them and each time it was worse than before. Without Gio and Ali my world would surely end, if they had died, they would have taken two huge parts of myself with them. 

Pietro had shot Gianni and after some checking, it was determined that he wasn't dead but he'd wish he was soon enough. We rushed the twins to the cars and were on our way to the nearest hospital. I held Gio on my lap and Sebastiano had Ali on his lap. Both were unconscious, Gio had been conscious when we first found them but Ali had been out cold the whole time. Sebastiano was running his hand through Ali's hair and whispering that it was all going to be okay, that she'll be okay. 

"Come stanno?" Pietro, who was driving, asked, (How are they)

"Ancora privo di sensi," I said, (Still unconscious),

"Saremo presto in ospedale," (We'll be at the hospital soon).

Not even five minutes later, we pulled up to the emergency room. Pietro and Lorenzo got out and started yelling for help. Several nurses and doctors rushed out as the triplets helped Sebastiano and I get the twins out of the car. We put the twins on the gurneys and we ran in after the hospital staff. We watched as the nurses and doctors rushed the twins behind the doors, we listened to them yelling things about their conditions as the doors closed behind them and we weren't permitted to follow any further. I turned around and saw my brothers behind me. Some nurses were offering basic first aid while another was handing paperwork to Pietro to fill out. 

One look at my brothers, you could tell two things: the first being, they were shell shocked at seeing the twins in their current conditions and the second being, they were anxious to get back to the twins. I could understand how they felt, I wanted to get back to Gio and Ali too but I also knew, from being a doctor, that they needed time to get their injuries taken care of. After receiving first aid, we all sat down to deal with the waiting. 

It was the waiting that was the worst part, the uncertainty of the situation, not knowing what was happening to our little brother and sister. I felt so helpless, they were back their fighting for their lives and we were sitting here, doing nothing. I was about to go out of my mind, I wanted to bust through those doors and demand to know what was happening to Gio and Ali. Finally after a long time waiting, a doctor came out.

"Giovanni and Alessandra Moretti's guardian?" The doctor asked,

"That's me, I'm Pietro Moretti," Pietro said as he stood up,

"Okay, I'm Dr. Smith and I'm overseeing the care of Giovanni and Alessandra," Dr. Smith said, "Alright, so I'd like to discuss their conditions in my office if that's alright," 

"Okay, I'd like my brother Matteo to join us, he's a doctor," Pietro said,

"That's fine," Dr. Smith said, We followed Dr. Smith to his office and sat down,

"Alright, first Giovanni. Giovanni had some internal bleeding and he's just been in surgery. They managed to stop the bleeding. He has a severe concussion and three broken ribs, his left wrist is broken and his right foot has a minor fracture, in addition to all of that, there's numerous cuts and bruises but he will make a full recovery. We'd like to keep him for a couple of days to monitor the bleeding if it were to start again and monitor his concussion," Dr. Smith said,

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