Chapter Five

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Giovanni's pov

They know. They're trying to find out what's happened to us before now and when they do, they'll send us right back to it. I know they will, they wouldn't want two broken kids on their hands. Our brothers are rich and powerful people, they don't want or need two broken teens in their family. They'll send us back to foster care faster than we can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. I don't know what Ali and I are going to do if they really find out what's going on. Our secret is going to come out and I don't know how to handle it. 

"Gio, what are we going to do?" Ali asked, 

"I don't know," I said, 

"They'll send us back," Ali said, 

"I know," I said,

 "I don't want to go back," Ali cried, 

"I don't either. I think if we just keep our heads down and not tell them anything, then we'll be fine," I said,

 "But, they're looking so they're going to find out and then what do we do?" Ali asked, 

"Let's cross that bridge when we get there," I said. 

Ali and I got ready for bed and laid down together in Ali's room, I turned on some stupid movie on Netflix so we could fall asleep. Ali fell asleep an hour into the movie but I couldn't sleep. I was so busy thinking about all that had happened while we were in foster care. Ali and I had been put through the worst things before we got here. I remember what life was like when we were little and Mom was still alive.

Mom was always kind and loving, she always came to our school functions and we always had so much fun together. We went to the park, the beach, the movies, museums and so much more. Ali and I were so happy and then Mom was gone. Taken from us in the most horrible way. Then, we found ourselves in foster care. I don't know that much about Ali's first foster parents because we were separated and she hasn't said that much about them. My first foster parents were okay, they were strict and yelled a lot. I was an angry kid so I'd yell back at them. I also got into trouble at school regularly, the teachers or kids would say something and I would react without thinking. That was the reason for me being moved a lot when we were in foster care. I remember when I was eight, I was in this one foster home that was actually one of the best. The parents and siblings were actually nice for a change. I remember one afternoon when I got home from school, they told me that they had a surprise for me. 

When we pulled up to the house, I saw another car in the driveway and I figured I was being shipped off again but that wasn't the case. I walked into the house and I saw Ali sitting on the couch, with her suitcase. I froze in the doorway and we just stared at each other for all of a second. Then, Ali came and threw her arms around me and I hugged her back. We stayed like that for a long time and then Mrs. Foster said that Ali and I had been apart long enough and that we could live together again. It was the best day of my life then, I felt whole again with my twin by my side.

It always felt like it was us against the world and when we were separated, it felt like it was me against the world and I was all alone. My life was anything but my own, I couldn't make any choices for myself. I didn't get to decide where I lived, who I lived with, where I went to school or anything else. But, when I had Ali with me, I felt like I could decide something. With Ali, I felt like I had a purpose and that purpose was to protect Ali. Ali and I were then moved from home to home but we were together so it didn't matter to us where we lived, we just wanted to live together. Even when everything was going on, when the foster parents and siblings did what they did, we thought "at least we're together".

I was still lost in my thoughts when I heard someone start turning the doorknob. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I heard the door open and someone walked into the room. I heard them pick up the remote from the bedside table and turn the tv off. Then, I heard the person step closer to the bed. I felt the person brush my hair off my forehead and I tried not to react, then the person whispered "I'm so happy to have you two home. I know you're hiding something and I have a feeling it isn't good but I'll protect you two from whatever you're running from," Pietro said. I heard him walk around the bed and he leaned down a kissed Ali on the head before he whispered, "I love you two, so much," Pietro said. I heard him leave the room and I started to get a feeling that maybe it wouldn't be so bad if they found out. Maybe it'll be better if they knew. I don't know but it could also make life worse for us if they knew. 

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