Chapter six

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Sebastiano's pov

Over the course of the next few days, the twins were acting strangely. It was almost like they were afraid to get caught, they were more on edge and jumped when there was any type of loud noise. I studied them throughout the day and the more I watched, the more I believed that something was going on. I could see in their mannerisms that something wasn't right. I wanted them to tell me what was bothering them but I also remembered what Pietro and Matteo had said about scaring them so I kept my mouth shut. I wished that I could get a look inside their heads and see what's going on in there. Those kids are the most secretive kids I've ever seen, even more than we are. We're keeping the mafia a secret from them and by not telling them anything, hopefully we can protect them. I can't stand the thought of any of our enemies finding out about the twins and hurting them. If they don't know anything then maybe they won't be a target for them. But, then again, knowing our enemies, they'd do something to the twins just because they're related to us. If they found out how much the twins mean to us, it'll put a target on their backs and won't have that. My little brother and sister will be kept safe from those people and if they even think about hurting them, I will personally see to their torturous end to their existence. I will kill anyone who even looks at them wrong. No one messes with my siblings and get's away with it. 

But, I can't let them know that. My façade has to stay in place so no one hurts the twins. I come across as angry and cold, unfeeling and like I don't care about anyone but myself. I created that façade so I could protect myself and the people I love. When my mother left and took the twins with her, it broke me in ways very few people could understand. I was hurt and angry, I didn't understand why she'd left and why she'd taken the twins. When I went to school after that, I was bullied because she'd left. Those bullies would say it was my fault that my mother left and that it was because she didn't love me that she left. After a while of hearing these words, I snapped. One day, I beat up thee guys that said those things to me. I beat him within and inch of his life, I was in so much trouble that day. I was fourteen and after dealing with these bullies for three years, I snapped. 

When I was twelve, I started working out more. I found that I liked it because it made me feel powerful. The more I worked out, the better I felt so I kept going. When I was fourteen, I snapped and beat up Samuel Williams. He was the main bully all those years, him and his stupid friends. I beat him up and I didn't regret it. After that, I wasn't picked on anymore. On the contrary, people were actually afraid of me. No one crossed me after that and it made me feel even more powerful, their fear made it so I didn't have to deal with bullies anymore. I didn't even care that I'd gotten in so much trouble. I was suspended for three weeks and had detentions for two months. We were lucky his parents didn't press charges and I got into a huge fight over it with Pietro. Pietro didn't like that I was fighting and that I'd hurt that kid. During that argument, I shouted so much and got so mad that I wasn't paying attention to what I said. I remember saying "He was bullying me so I stood up for myself! Even if what he said was true! Mom left because she didn't love me anymore, it's my fault!" Pietro froze when I said that and I froze too because I hadn't meant to say that. Suffice it to say that Pietro and I had a long talk that night. That was when he'd told me that Mom hadn't left because she didn't love me or anyone of us anymore and that she'd actually left to protect us and the twins. Mom wanted to protect the twins who were just babies then from this dangerous mafia lifestyle. Pietro told me that she always intended to come back but at the time a war was brewing and she wanted to protect the twins. Pietro also said that Dad had covered up the real reason she left, Dad told us that she'd left because she could handle this life anymore and that she'd taken the twins so they would have a normal life. 

We grew up being angry and hating our mother because of this reason that Dad planted in our heads. It was only after his death that Pietro found a letter from our mother and in the letter she explains herself and apologizes profusely. She even talked a little about the twins and how much they'd grown since we last saw them. Although, we knew the reason for our mother leaving, it was still hard not to be angry with her and I believe all of us have been mad and hating her for years. We believed then that we could've protected her and the twins just fine here but she made her choice. But, her choices effected us and will effect us for the rest of our lives. 

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