Chapter nine

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Gio's pov

Today's our first day of school, I can tell that Ali's nervous. Ali's barely said a word, even to me, and she's shaking. I understand why she's nervous, we've encountered so many crazy people at school that seem to make it their mission to make our lives miserable or more miserable than they already are. I'm prepared to have to protect myself and Ali, I'll fight anyone who dares to mess with Ali and I'll win. No one will mess with me and get away with it.

"Alessandra, Giovanni, are you two listening?" Pietro asked, 

"Yeah, we're listening," I said, 

"Okay, you will not be fighting Giovanni and if either of you have any problems you will call me or Matteo or find the triplets. Under no circumstances are you to get into fights with the other students," Pietro said, 

"So, those three can fight but I can't? How fair is that?" I demanded,

"You're thirteen, you're too young to be fighting so let Luka, Emilio, and Antonio handle it," Pietro said, 

"I've fought before," I said, 

"I know but that's over now, the triplets will handle it," Pietro said, 

"What if they hit me first? Am I supposed to just let them? Or, what if I see them hurting Ali, am I supposed to just walk away?" I asked, 

"No, the triplets will be with you so you will let them handle it and if things get too rough, you take Alessandra and run," Pietro said, 


"No more buts, I don't want you fighting and that's the end of it," Pietro said, 

"We just don't want you two to get hurt so just let them handle it," Matteo said, 

"Lu, Leo, and Tony, you three will walk the twins to their classes and make sure they're safe, is that understood?" Pietro asked, 

"Yes," They answered together,

"How dangerous can school be, it's just school," I said, 

"Bullies," Luka said, 

"We've dealt with it before, we'll be fine," I said, 

"Yeah, but now you've got us so you don't need to deal with it on your own," Emilio said,

"I'm more than capable of handling it myself," I said, 

"No against fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, and eighteen year old's you're not," Luka said,

"Especially when it's five against one," Antonio said, 

"Whatever," I said, 

After breakfast, Ali and I went with the triplets to the car and we drove to school. It was a short ride and pretty soon we were pulling into the parking lot. We got out and started to walk into school when I noticed everyone was staring at us.

"Why's everyone staring at us?" I asked, 

"Because we're pretty popular around here," Luka said, 

"No really, why is everyone staring at us?" I asked, 

"Not kidding, we're pretty well known around here," Emilio said, 

"Yeah, we have an audience all the time. Now especially because you two are here," Antonio said, 

"Why?" I asked, 

"Because they're all wondering why you two are with us," Luka said, 

"Okay, you're officially crazy," I said, 

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