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side note : HELP THIS STORY IS DOING BETTER THAN I THOUGHT??? Like 100reads alr?!?!? also, kinda weird chapter today

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side note : HELP THIS STORY IS DOING BETTER THAN I THOUGHT??? Like 100reads alr?!?!? also, kinda weird chapter today. pls comment btw 💞😭

SEOYOON CURLED UP IN HER BED, USING HER BLANKET AS A SHIELD FOR HER BODY. She tucked her head in her chest as she tried her best to get her parents' words out of her mind. ...Marry her off to a businessman...She's too young ! And many, many other repetitions of the same conversation were on replay in the cd player titled Seoyoon's brain. Her nails dug into the skin of her knee, resulting in the redness which often resided in them. The first talk about her 'marriage' was talked about three years ago. Three years ago, she hated her life to the extent that breathing seemed to be a chore. But three years ago, she had discovered lucid dreaming.

It always seemed ironic to her how a wedding was something she wanted so badly to escape from, but it seemed to haunt her in her dreams. Seeing the damned dress was so unbearable she even considered stopping the lucid dreaming.

Until she met him.

He was a real person too. He didn't know who she was, which was, in her opinion, the best thing about him then. He thought the same of her too. They grew closer, night by night. From simple caresses to full on hugs, the two were sharing an almost magnetic relationship.

It was a shame whatever they had was left unlabeled.

Seoyoon woke up in hot tears. Sweat ran down her body. She hadn't dreamt of Siyoon. Why had she not seen him in her dreams these days?! Unbeknowest to her, someone was looking up at her window.

"...So this is where she lives."

The man then turns to walk away, pulling down his cap, covering his already hidden face. He walks away to his newly purchased house swiftly.

"She's a model." Jeongim informed him. "Her name is Seoyoon Hwang." Siyoon nods at the newly acquired information.

"And not only that..." she paused for a dramatic effect. Siyoon leaned in closer to hear what she was going to say.

"She works under H Entertainment!" Siyoon's eyed widened by a fraction. His previous company was always competing with H Entertainment, with his previous boss having a loathing for H Entertainment's female chairperson. Siyoon always felt some form of satisfaction whenever he saw the old man's face crinkle in disgust and jealousy upon hearing that H Entertainment had beat them. 

It was time for him to start living again.

Seoyoon chewed on some gum as she walked around the cafeteria, looking for Seojun. Whilst looking left and right, she bumped into a stranger. A very familiar looking blue haired stranger. 


"! You-

"I have your keychain! It's in my bag right now..." He said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. Seoyoon could only nod. 

"I- I forgot to ask, what's your name?"

"DaeSeong. Song DaeSeong." 

"Well, I'm Hwang Seoyoon, nice to meet you, Song DaeSeong."

The man asked her to wait in the canteen while he went and got her keychain. While waiting, Seoyoon just scrolled through her Pinterest, humming as she looked for fashion inspo. A brown haired girl came to her view, and Seoyoon's face lit up faintly.

"Jang Taeri, is that you?"

The slightly shorter girl nodded her head with a giddy smile.

"Yep! I'm finally back from my suspension!" The girl then jumped into Seoyoon's arms, clinging around her neck. Seoyoon nuzzled into her good friend's neck, pleased to see that she was back. 

"You appeared just when I was looking through fashion inspiration. You really have amazing timing." Taeri could only nod, her ego inflating with every compliment Seoyoon threw at her fashion sense. DaeSeong appeared shortly after. "Oh, this must be the new student, DaeSeong ...Song, right?" 

Seoyoon could only nod. One thing about Taeri - she always had the best info on people in school. Being suspended for arguing about LGBTQ+ rights during class with her teacher certainly wouldn't be able to change that. Seoyoon really admired her best friend's confidence. It was a trait which she hoped to hone more. Daeseong quietly handed over Seoyoon's keychain before looking at Taeri for a good few seconds. He abruptly turned around and walked away - but not before Seoyoon could notice the blush on his cheeks. 

She smirked. He was interested in Taeri.  

DaeSeong was pretty conflicted. Emphasis on pretty. When he first saw Hwang Seoyoon, he thought she was pretty. But when he saw Taeri, he thought she was gorgeous. He had an urge to want to know her better, but for some reason, he felt bad for changing his feelings toward Seoyoon? But then again, she didn't know about his feelings of interest to her in the beginning.

After a short debate, he thought in his head - I want to know Taeri better

Seoyoon, Seojun and Taeri would be back together again. But could their small friend group soon become a quartet? Read on to find out!

this is a rlly long author's note so bear with me

another flop chapter hahaha (also to my muslim readers, i heard that it's fasting month/Ramadan(?) stay strong yall!)

anyw, i got the metal thing for my braces!!the wires ain't in yet though lmao. they hurt like a bitch when i first got them in - my left side esp (i got 2 extractions right before the metal thingy) a week before that, 2 teeth on my right side were extracted. gbye to eating ramen for now :( 

i take twice as long to eat normal stuff now which sucks because being a fast eater is something i take pride in >:(

also taeri is inspired by the fl from this manhwa i'm currently reading - the couple breaker. it looks really promising ! her appearance is different though haha

btw: i picture taeri as hori kyouko from horimiya but with short hair (:

yall will see more of siyoon in the next chap - promise! side note - are you guys fine with this many ocs? are you comfortable with me adding one or two more?