Chapter Twenty - Haven's Fate

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After the Battle Of Haven, Blake's forces were able to help secure Haven Academy and save it from destruction. However, what most didn't know was the the Battle Of Haven was merely a stepping stone into a war that no one knew existed. As all this happened, the Wild Geese was helping Blake's forces in rounding up the captured White Fang forces. As the White Fang were rounded up, Kali and Ghira met up with Ruby's group.

Ghira: Captain Bernadotte, thank you in your assistance. Your men were a great help.

Pip: Not a problem. All part of the job. 

Kali: The police rounded up the remaining White Fang members. Haven is safe.

Ghira: Unfortunately, it appears that Adam escaped.

Ilia: It's okay. They were the only ones to escape tonight. Those in the White Fang that followed him. Won't support a leader that abandons his people. He won't have their help after this. He'll have no one at all. And the White Fang will be left divided.

Pip: I still have a score to settle with Adam Taurus, but I'm content with this. 

Ghira: We've been fighting amongst ourselves for too long. Perhaps it's time for a new brotherhood. A new family for Faunus truly working towards a better world.

Kali: And they'll need a new leader. 

In that moment, Ghira became hopeful for the future of the Faunus. For the longest time, Ghira had been plagued by guilt for his perceived failure to prevent the White Fang from becoming militant. Now Ghira felt as if he redeemed the cause. Ghira nods in acknowledgement. Sun peeks behind Ghira and notices his old friends from Beacon, waving to them. He then wraps his tail around Blake to turn her around and have her see her old friends too. She slowly walks towards them nervously while Sun and her parents smile. Yang walks down the stairs and hands the Relic to her uncle.

Qrow: What happened?

Yang: I don't know exactly. When I got down there, Cinder was gone, and Vernal was dead.

Qrow: And Raven?

Yang: Gone.

Qrow: Well, we're all glad you're still here, firecracker. 

Pip: Things got a little hairy in there, but Yang handled herself well. I say we taught her well, Qrow. 

Suddenly, Ruby groans and falls to her knees. Weiss catches her.

Weiss: Are you okay?

Ruby: I feel like I should be asking you guys.

They both look up to see Blake approaching them. Yang walks over and drops to her sister's side.

Ruby: So Blake, what're you doing here?

Blake: I... I was gonna ask you three the same thing.

Ruby, Weiss, and Yang, share glances with each other.

Ruby: That's... a looooong story.

Blake: Well... I'm not going anywhere.

Ruby: That's all that matters. That we're all here together. Right?

Ruby looks to Yang as she says that. Blake briefly looks away with a sorrowful expression on her face. Yang looks up at her and smiles.

Yang: Yeah.

Blake looks back over to them and smiles. Weiss offers a hand out to her, and the cat Faunus eagerly joins in to first group hug after a long time of being apart. The four girls embrace each other while their friends look on smiling. Pip smiles as Blake had been reunited with her team. Qrow, still holding the Relic, then approaches a panting Oscar, who is kneeling on the ground.

Qrow: I don't know how, but we did it, Oz. You okay?

Oscar: I'm alright.

Qrow: Kid?

Oscar: He's resting. Too much energy fighting.

Qrow: Hey, don't strain yourself!

Oscar: No! He had... a message... We must... get the Lamp to...Atlas.....

Oscar groans and falls, but Qrow catches him. He lays the exhausted farm boy on the ground and looks over as Team RWBY finishes their embrace. Qrow then stands back up, and looks to the Relic he holds in his hand. The lamp is seen glowing brightly as the indistinct whispers are heard again. Pip and the Wild Geese look upon the object with confusion. 

Wild Geese Grunt: What the hell is that, Captain? 

Pip: No idea. Whatever it is, it's nothing I've ever seen. I've seen some odd things, but this, this is something else. And that Vault? And I thought bunkers were secure. 

As Pip said this, he thought about just how far this job would take it. He and the Wild Geese would battle against forces that they have never faced before. Despite this, Pip smiled as he lights himself a cigarette. 

Qrow: Kid's exhausted from all the excitement.

Pip: Heh. My boys are just getting started. Ain't that right, boys? 

The Wild Geese then begin cheering while hoisting their weapons in the air. At this point, Pip addresses his men. 

Pip: Now where's that cowardly Lionheart? I think he owes us for the trouble. 

Qrow: I'm afraid someone beat you to the punch, Pip. Salem must've had Leo killed while we were fighting her flunkies. 

Pip: A shame. But I suppose it couldn't have happened to a nicer person. They always say the lowest circle of Hell is reserved for traitors. I hope whatever Salem offered him was worth it. 

Wild Geese Grunt: You're telling me that you wouldn't work for Salem if she paid us to?

Pip: As I always say, there's no shortage of idiots who are willing to shoot guns for money. If Salem wishes to hire mercenaries, let her. But she won't the Wild Geese working for her. Now then, let's go and die like mangy dogs. Let's die while yelling "Fuck, Fuck!" as we take gut shots. As we writhe in agony.

With that, Pip and the Wild Geese joined Ruby's group in their fight against Salem. Little did they know that they would soon discover a dark secret.

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