Chapter Four - A Day At The Fair

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As Pip and the Wild Geese settled into Beacon, Ozpin decided to give Pip and men a day off. The Wild Geese eagerly accept as they spread out across the city to have some fun. Pip decided to head to the fair to visit his adopted nieces. The fair was packed with people of all ages, enjoying the festivities of the Vytal Festival. As Pip walked the grounds of the fair, he eventually runs into Ruby and Yang along with the rest of Team RWBY. 

Ruby: Uncle Pip! 

Yang: No way! What are you doing here?! I thought you were working with Professor Ozpin!

Pip: I still am. Your headmaster was kind enough to give me and my boys a day off to relax. Figured I'd come to visit my nieces. 

As Pip says this, he glances over to Weiss and Blake. He recognized them from when the Wild Geese first arrived at Beacon. They were among the crowd that watched Qrow and Winter fight. 

Pip: So you're the teammates that's been helping my nieces cause trouble? A pleasure to meet you both. 

Weiss: I wouldn't say we cause trouble!

Pip: Heh. 

At this point, Weiss becomes curious about Pip. It was clear that he appeared to be military, but his uniform was unfamiliar to her.

Weiss: What army do you fight for? 

Pip: Whoever pays. 

Weiss: So you're a mercenary? 

Pip nods his head in agreement. Weiss immediately becomes hostile towards Pip.

Weiss: I hate to say this, but your "uncle" is an honorless killer!

Ruby: Hey! That's Uncle Pip you're talking about!

Yang: Yeah, what gives?!

Weiss: This man admitted to being a mercenary! He kills people for money! 

Pip: I'm a professional. Someone hires me and my boys for a job and we do it. Men in my family have been mercenaries for generations, going back to my grandpa's grandpa's grandpa's grandpa. Heh. Not quite as illustrious the Schnees, but the Schnees have no qualm in hiring mercenaries when needed. In fact, the Wild Geese did a few jobs for your old man. 

Upon hearing this, Weiss immediately lashes out. 

Weiss: Preposterous! My father would never hire mercenaries!

Pip: I hate to break it to you, but there's a lot of people who would love noting more than to have your father's head on a stick. That's why he hire old Pip Bernadotte and his Wild Geese as a security detail. Your old man might've been a prick, but his coin was good as any other.

Weiss was outraged by Pip's words. Ruby and Yang stepped in to try and calm her down. 

Pip: Let me tell you girls about that time I took a job down in Mistral. The White Fang had taken over an Atlas weapons depot. We were hired to clear them out. By the time we got there, the White Fang had already helped themselves to military grade firearms. They fired on us the moment we got close. 

As Pip says this, he points to the eye patch over his left eye. Blake fell silent as she briefly tilted her head down. 

Pip: I lost this eye when I came across their leader. He took my eye with a swing of his sword. The best I could do was put a round in his leg. We fought for at least a day. Then the White Fang decided that they didn't want to die and ran off. I lost five good men that day. 

Blake: What....what happened next?

Pip: We went back to our client and told them about what happened. They were satisfied and paid us for a job well done. Then we spent our winnings on a nearby brothel. The girls treated us nice. 

After telling his story, Team RWBY fell silent. Pip then lets out a chuckle. 

Pip: C'mon! Let's have some fun!

With that, Pip joined Team RWBY in their day on the fair, participating in various rides and games. Eventually, they came across a shooting range. 

Pip: I hear you fancy yourself a markswoman, Little Red.

Ruby: Well duh! 

Pip: Let's see if you can stack up against your ole Uncle Pip!

Ruby: You're on! 

Pip and Ruby readied the peashooters given to them by the game vendor. Pip and Ruby had a little competition as they tried to outshoot one another. While Ruby was a skilled markswoman, Pip was the better shot. As he shot the final target, the victor was clear.

Pip: I'm Pip Bernadotte and this is my favorite spot on Vale! Hah!

Ruby: No way! You totally cheated!

Pip: Oh don't be a sore loser, Little Red. 

Pip chuckled as he tussled Ruby's hair. Soon enough, Pip had his fun with Team RWBY.

Pip: It's been fun, kiddies, but I must be going. I'm sure your Headmaster is probably ready to brief me on the job. Now which one of you is going to be fighting in the singles match?

Yang: That would be me!

Pip: Is that right? I feel bad for the poor soul that has to fight you! Now do your Uncle Pip a favor and kick some ass for me!

Yang: Will do!

With that, Pip leaves the fair, satisfied by the fun that he had. But as he prepares to meet up with Ozpin to discuss the further details on the job, dark forces had already set their plans in motion. As the dark forces moved forward with their plans for Beacon Academy and the Vytal Festival, Pip and the Wild Geese would prepare themselves for the job ahead, not knowing what awaited them. 

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