Chapter Eighteen - Showdown At Haven Academy

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All hell had broken loose. Ruby's group found themselves facing off against Cinder's group. A group of Raven's bandits had stormed into the academy. Pip and the Wild Geese took cover as they fired on the bandits. At this, Jaune gains a look of shock, and then of anger. He transforms Crocea Mors to its two-handler form and advances forward. Cinder summons a glowing scimitar and blocks Jaune's attack.

Ruby: Jaune!

Ruby leaps into the air, but a chain wraps around her and she is pulled to the ground by Emerald.

Emerald: You're not getting near her.

Jaune is then pushed back by Cinder and the two begin their duel. Yang runs forward to join the fight, but Mercury lands in front of her.

Mercury: Hey there, Blondie. I'm thinking you owe me an apology for my leg, don't ya think?

Yang growls and uses Ember Celica to propel herself forward.

Raven: Take out the heiress. Don't bother wasting your power, she's not worth it.

Raven then draws her sword as Qrow uses Harbinger to lock blades with his sister.

Qrow: Running away was one thing, but this... you've crossed the line!

Raven: Sorry, brother. Sometimes family disappoints you like that.

Qrow: We're not family anymore.

Raven: Were we ever?

Qrow: I thought so, but I guess I was wrong.

The two then proceed with their fight, Qrow ducks under a slash then jumps back. He dodges two more swings as Raven follows and clashes blades one time before she kicks him away. While the siblings battle Vernal draws her weapons and confronts Weiss.

Vernal: Let's see what the Schnee name really means.

Weiss: I'm more than just my name.

Vernal: We'll see about that.

As all this happened, Pip and the Wild Geese were under heavy fire. 

Wild Geese Lieutenant: We're really in the shit now, are we?!

Pip: What else is new?! Just keep firing! 

With that, the Wild Geese held their ground against Raven's bandits. Meanwhile, Oscar sneaks up the stairs to Lionheart while Hazel confronts Ren and Nora, who hold up defensively. 

Hazel: I don't wish to fight either of you.

Ren: Nor I you.

Nora: But we will if you're with her!

Hazel: Very well, then.

Hazel proceeds forward. As Lionheart nervously watches the fights going on, he then notices Oscar walk up behind him.

Lionheart: Young man, I don't know who you are or what you think you're doing, but for your sake, I suggest you leave. Now.

As Lionheart was about to attack, Oscar prevents him from doing so. Oscar then proceeds forward as his attacks force Lionheart on the defensive. Lionheart blocks or dodges most of them, one drives him against the rail. Oscar hits it as Lionheart avoids another strike, then follows up with a swing that sends Lionheart staggering down the steps. He jumps down to continue attacking and eventually manages to whack Lionheart back a few steps.

Lionheart: This can't be... I knew you would be back, but... you made it here! You found Qrow! How?

Ozpin(Voice): Leo... what happened to you?

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