Coming back to reality

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Also I want to apologize if the writing gets confusing because I don't have italics or bold, so I've decided to try other methods to let you know it's a flashback or something.

Camila's POV:

I sat at my lunch table, stirring my yogurt around obviously bored by the conversation about hookups or new clothes at the mall. And no one noticed. Lauren would've noticed. My friends don't really care about me. They're shallow, and empty. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just like them, and maybe that I'm not really happy anymore. Giving up everything for popularity was one of the choices I regret every single day.

I felt a pair of hands on my eyes and instantly smiled. "Guess who?" I laughed and shook my head, "Come on I'd know you anywhere love." Michelle smiled and sat down next to me, receiving dirty looks from my other friends. "Guys, she's cool I promise." They continued eating their lunches and gossiping, so I turned to face my best friend. Michelle was the only person I could talk to about Lauren or anything deep. Although my friends didn't like her, in this case I couldn't care less. "How are you Camz? You seem a little down lately." She looked genuinely concerned, and I met with her eyes. She instantly whispered, " Oh...Lauren." As if I completely was at a loss for words, I only nodded and she gave me a soft squeeze in response. "Why don't you talk to her?" I looked down and admitted nervously, "I don't know. It's hard to choose to pursue friendship with her again, after all that's happened I don't know if she's willing to forgive me. At this point I'm waiting for her." Michelle watched me carefully and agreed with my decision.

I got up and walked to class, sighing when I saw the assignments on the board. I started writing down the due dates in my planner. { "Oh Lauren, good to see you back today." I slowly looked up and saw the older girl talking with Mrs.Lovato. I tensed up and scanned the girl. She was wearing a casual blue hoodie, jeans, sandals and ponytail. And yet she still looked stunning. Mrs.Lovato pointed to the empty seat next to me and I blushed as soon as she met my gaze. Lauren looked a bit hesitant but walked over slowly anyways. She sat down and started writing something on a small sticky note then slid it over towards me. I gingerly opened the note and it read,"missed you Cabello." As I read the small note I smiled and looked over at her. "I missed you too Jauregui." }

"Camila, can you please tell us the answer to number 9?" Mrs. Lovato snapped me out of my daydream and I stuttered to answer, "um...sorry I don't really understand the question." I glanced over, frowning to see Lauren wasn't really there. Mrs. Lovato rephrased it and I responded quickly.

After the bell rang I drove home, staring at the scrapbook laid across my bed. I looked at it for hours until I decided to go see Lauren. I jumped into my car and drove to Lauren's house. I parked and climbed up the tree leading to Lauren's room. She was sleeping peacefully and I slipped next to her, not caring what would happen when she woke up. I missed her. She was my best friend. I wrapped my arms around her and nuzzled into her neck like I used to. She didn't stir, Lauren was always a deep sleeper from what I remembered. I enjoyed her warmth and the faint sweet smell of vanilla. I fell asleep in her arms with ease.

Lauren's POV

I woke up after knocking out from the sleep medication but my eyes grew wider as I realized Camila was cuddling up beside me. I didn't know how to react. She looked so peaceful and happy, her soft lips curving up into a small smile. It was the first time in a while I'd seen her smile. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss the younger girl but I felt conflicted considering what she had done to me. I pulled her closer and let her rest her head on my chest as I mindlessly stroked her hair.

Camila's POV:


Lauren's POV:

I looked down at the tired girl and decided to let her sleep. She looked so content and happy that I let her stay. After Camila had been sleeping for awhile I decided to get up and go for a walk since my leg was cramping. I slowly wriggled out of her touch, trying not to wake her. Camila whimpered at the loss of warmth but cuddled into my pillow anyway. I tiptoed down the stairs and went out to my backyard. It was a cool, clear night and I could make out the little twinkling stars. There was many beautiful flowers all around my yard and a porch swing hidden behind the terrace. I sat down rocking slowly back and fourth contemplating what I should do when Camila woke up. I decided to break off a small yellow rose and bring it up to her. When I got back up to my room I was relieved to see her still sleeping there peacefully. The sky was slowly dimming and I knew she was going to sleep for the rest of the night. Leaving the rose in the small vase I went back to my previous position sighing at the lovely smell of her perfume.

Camila's POV:

I woke up groggily, rubbing my eyes to look around more clearly. Lauren was gone, but she had left a small yellow rose: my favorite. I reached over to the vase and smelled the sweet flower, breathing in the wonderful aroma. I heard a clang downstairs and hurried down to see what it was. Lauren had started making pancakes but the pans lining the rack had all fallen over after obvious rushing. She blushed as I helped her pick up the pans. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. We had your favorite so I decided to make you some-if you don't want some that's okay..I uh didn't.." Lauren started rambling so I intervened quickly, "Thank you Lauren, I really appreciate it. Sorry for crashing last night." She looked relieved and I went back upstairs to freshen up. I pulled on my jacket, put my hair in a messy bun and wiped off some of the excess mascara left over from yesterday. I looked into the mirror, "I look tired, really tired" I thought to myself.

Lauren's POV:

"CAMILAAAA!" I yelled loud enough and soon the younger girl came down the stairs. She looked casual but still beautiful. She sat on the stool with her elbows on the counter and hands eager for breakfast. I flipped one off the pan and gave her the moist cake. She added everything I had set out for her. Strawberries, syrup, whipped cream and chocolate chips. "Boy I forgot how much you eat." I said amused by Camila's huge capacity to horde down the food. Mid-bite Camila looked up flustered, "haha sorry." I couldn't help but smile at her cuteness. I slid next to her after I had cooked mine and started eating. "Gosh you're such a slow eater Laur." Camila laughed playfully and I almost choked on my pancakes at the old nickname. I tried to remain calm and slapped her lightly on the arm,"hey!" Camila just shrugged,"it's true." I smirked and raised an eyebrow spraying whipped cream all over her face. Camila shrieked and sprayed me back. We ended up in a heated whipped cream fight, laughing and licking the sticky substance off our faces with our fingers at the end.

"I miss you Lauren." I could feel Camila's words penetrating through my brain, her eyes focused on mine. I got up slowly and wiped my face with a towel. "Look Camila..." She walked over to me before I could say anything else and kissed me. I pulled away and looked straight into her eyes. "I-I can't do this anymore." She looked hurt but replied with a weak,"why not?" The memories shot through my head and I closed my eyes trying to shut them out. "You hurt me Camila, and I don't know if we can ever be friends or anything right now. I just need time, I need to think. I mean one moment you're shoving me in a locker the next you're kissing me? I don't get you. You need to figure it out too. I'm sorry." With the last word I ran up to my room afraid to cry in front of the one girl I loved the most. "I promised you forever didn't I? I'll prove it to you, you'll see." Camila said it so quietly I don't think she even knew I heard. But I did. And as a result I cried the whole day, trying to shove the memories out of my head and to feel okay.

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