Bubble Wrapped Horns and Unicorns

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Fluttershy's P.O.V:

I examine the cut on Sombra's hoof, deciding to treat that before wrapping his horn as quite a lot of blood is coming out of it.

My eyes widen. "Wow. That's... Deep."

Sombra looks at his hoof. "Won't the first aid kit be enough for it?"

"Stretch your hoof out." He does as I command. "Now, do you think the first aid kit will be enough for it?"

"I guess I'll have to go to the hospital..."

"Don't worry, this time I'm with you." I wrap a bandage around his hoof and it gets soaked by blood within a few seconds. "We should go quickly or you'll lose too much blood."

"How far is the hospital from here?"

"Far enough that we might not make it in time..." I'm about to start  pacing out of worry when I remember something. "Can you teleport?"

Sombra scoffs. He's surprisingly calm for a pony who's got enough blood pouring out of them to give a batpony a full meal. "What sort of a question is that? Of course I can. Just tell me where it is and we'll be there in a flash."

"It's across from Twilight's castle."

I blink and we're there. I pull Sombra to a hospital room, which happens to be the one he was in last time, and luckily a nurse is there.

She has a pink mane with white stripes that I think I've seen before. What was her name again? Candy or something?

"Nurse Candy, right?"

She turns around and sees Sombra. She bats her eyelashes and looks at my unicorn's face. "Sombra, back so soon? Did you miss me?"

"Now isn't the time for jokes, Nurse," I almost growl, scared for Sombra and angry that she's trying to flirt with my lover. "As you can see Sombra's losing quite a lot of blood."

She follows the direction my hoof is pointing in with her eyes and  runs out, coming back a few seconds later with a first aid kit.

She takes a needle and thread out of it. "This is going to hurt a little so I'm going to give you a few painkillers."

Sombra just nodded, steeling himself as she was as about to treat him. He hissed and grunted at the pain, grimacing but stayed focused as she injected him with painkillers, applying pressure and bandaged the wound. I imagined he must have gone through worse before this all.

Nonetheless, Candy had stitched his hoof up in a few minutes, yet a concerned expression was on her face. “It might cause a scar. Try to keep work to a minimum and change the bandage every now and then.” My response was a nod, glad we could go home right away.


Sombra's P.O.V:

Once we return from the hospital, I head to the sofa and lie down on it.

Fluttershy closes the door and sighs. I put my hoof on my forehead, or more accurately, attempt to, but my sweet pegasus flutters over to me and grasps my hoof.

"Until I bubble wrap your horn, you have to keep your hooves away from it," she says in a gentle voice.

"Bubble wrap my horn?! Fluttershy dear, you can't be serious..."

"I know it sounds like I'm joking, but I'm actually serious. I can't have you getting hurt again!"

I open my mouth to tell her that I definitely don't need my horn to be bubble wrapped, but she's already walking up the stairs, probably to get it.

She returns a few minutes later, with the aforementioned bubble wrap and scissors in her hooves. She also has a roll of tape.

Then she walks around the sofa, to the front part of it against which I'm leaning my head, and she unrolls some of the wrap.

I concentrate on her heavenly scent and angelic face as she leans above me, cutting a part of the wrap and taping it around the point of my horn.

It takes a few seconds, and I can feel her care just through her actions.

She then puts a hoof on the point, and moves it away. Her hoof is fine. She proceeds to sit on the sofa, as close to me as she can.

"So, will I have to use this bubble wrap forever?"

"Hmm...That's a good question." She blushes as I stare at her in disbelief, and turns her head to the side so her mane obscures her face. "W-well, it's better to be safe than sorry, right?"

I sigh. "But how will I ever leave your house again? I can't go out in public like this."

"Uh...You can wear a hat?"

"A hat," I repeat dryly.

"Then perhaps we can change your manestyle?"

I shake my head. "I like my mane the way it is."

"And I like it too," she whispers, blushing so much that her cheeks are redder than Apple... Apple-something's brother. "But if it causes you so much trouble, then maybe we can just forget about the bubble wrap?"

"No, it's fine," I smile at her. "I don't want you to get hurt from my horn."

Fluttershy's P.O.V:

I nod and we sit in silence for a while.

"So... About earlier," begins Sombra. "I think you may have  treated Candy a  little too harshly... I mean, I know it was an emergency, but..."

"Sombra. She was trying to flirt with you. Did you really expect me to be happy about that?" I say, with the tone of my voice changing to one of barely concealed anger as I recalled that specific moment.

"Woah, calm down a little," he says.

"What would you have done if some stallions tried to flirt or flirted with me?"

"I'd teach those bastards their pla-"

"See. Your reaction would be no different than mine."

"..." He's at a loss of words.

I'm about to say something, but then somepony knocks on the door.

I jump at the sudden sound, and Sombra gets up. "I'll open it."

I recover from that small shock, using the breathing technique that Princess Cadence taught me, and stop him. "No, you're injured. I'll answer it."



With that, I push him back onto the sofa and open the door.

Author's Note: Hmm... Who will be at the door?

I decided to finally give an update. Unfortunately, it ends with a cliffhanger.

Yeah, this was too short after such a long hiatus, but at least it's something, right?

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