Home Sweet Home

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Fluttershy's P.O.V:

"Ah," Sombra gives a contented sigh as he lies on the sofa. "Home sweet home."

I smile and sit next to him. "It's much more sweeter with you back."

His stomach growls and I giggle. "Seems like some pony's hungry~" I tease.

He pouts. "Who can blame that somepony for being hungry when they've had nothing but hospital food for Tartarus knows how long?"

I giggle again. "What would you like to eat?"

"Surprise me. As long as you make it, I'll be happy."

"Okay." I walk to the kitchen. What should I make? Hmm...

Angel bunny appears out of nowhere and taps my leg. He taps a picture of pasta and an oven. "That'll be perfect! Thanks Angel," I gasp, hugging him.

My smile disappears as I check the cupboards. "But we're all out of ingredients... I would go to get some more, but I don't feel comfortable leaving you and Sombra home alone, especially after what happened last time..."

Angel rolls his eyes, hops off, returns with a shopping basket and taps his chest several times.

"You want to get the ingredients for me? Thanks Angel! Now, here's a list of everything I need..."

He hops out of the door at once and I start getting the oven ready. I set the temperature, get the utensils ready and then wait...

Nearly an hour later Angel returns, dragging a heavy shopping basket behind him. I relieve him of his burden and thank him again, after which he takes a few carrots from the fridge and goes.

I make sure there's everything I need. Pasta, eggs, milk, etc...

Yeah, it's all there.

Sombra's P.O.V:

I open my eyes and sit up to the smell of something that makes my mouth water.

I can't tell what it is, but it smells great.

"Sombra ~" My Flutter-Angel comes in. "Time to eat~"

I follow her to the kitchen and she covers my eyes once I sit down.

Then she uncovers them and I'm confused at the sight before me. "What's this?"

"It's pasta bake," she explains. "I'm sure you'll love it."

With that said, she gives me my portion from the tray, and then gives herself some and sits down.

She waits for me to start eating.

I tentatively put a forkful into my mouth... And begin to devour my whole plate in the span of a few seconds.

Fluttershy is startled at the speed, but gives me more, which I take my time to enjoy.

"This is absolutely wonderful Fluttershy," I say in between bites.

"See, I told you that you'd love it!" Fluttershy beams.

I smile.

I never could have guessed she was this great at cooking as in all my time here, I don't think we've had anything other than fruits, vegetables and cereal. And maybe a lot of other things too that slipped my mind.

Once we've finishes eating, my wonderful yellow pegasus giggles. "What's so funny?" I ask.

"I'm not laughing at you; I'm just happy to finally be able to have dinner with you again. It's been so long..."

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