He's handsome...

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Fluttershy's P.O.V:

I was alone, in a dark place. "Hello?", I asked, hoping that somepony would hear me and take me out of this place."Anypony here?"

The only answer that I received was silence. Now I was scared. I walked forward, and kept walking until I saw a light.

I ran towards it. Once there, I saw a mirror. Looking into it, I was no longer myself. I had...fangs.

And my wings weren't normal either. They were like a batpony's wings. That meant...

No! That couldn't be possible! The last time that I looked like this was when I transformed into Flutterbat.

I looked away from the mirror, not wanting to look at myself any longer. I heard somepony coming.

"What's wrong, Fluttershy? Don't you like the gift that I have you?", they asked. I looked up and saw Sombra.

"Sombra?", I asked. "Where am I?"

"We're in the castle. Don't you remember?", he asked. Seeing my confusion, he told me, "You're my queen now. We rule the crystal empire together." He walked closer to me, and whispered in my ear, "You love me, Fluttershy. Admit it."

He stood in front of me, and I noticed that he wasn't wearing his cape. If we were ruling, then why wasn't he wearing it?

"You like what you're seeing, don't you?", Sombra asked me.

What did he want me to see? I saw him everyday. But as I stared, I noticed something.

The way he smirked, it made me feel something. And then I noticed how beautiful his eyes were.

I just couldn't look away. He was so...handsome. I wanted nothing more than to kiss him, and run my hoof through his mane.

To stare into his red eyes forever, as he kissed me.

I woke up, running to the mirror to make sure that I was myself.

My wings were normal, and I had no fangs. I breathed a sigh of relief. I wasn't Flutterbat.

I was myself, Fluttershy. I wondered why I had that dream. It left me completely confused.

I hoped it didn't mean anything bad.

All day my mind kept wondering back to that dream. I couldn't think about anything else.

If Sombra wasn't helping me, then I wouldn't have been finished by now.

"Fluttershy?", the sound of Sombra's voice pierced through my thoughts, pulling me back to reality.

"Yes?", I asked.

"You were staring into space for five minutes. Is there anything wrong?", he told me.

"N-no. Nothing's wrong. Everything's just fine.", I told him, hoping that he wouldn't question.

"Are you sure?", Sombra asked.

"I'm sure. I'm just tired, that's all.", I lied.

I knew that Sombra would see through my lie, and I think he did. But he didn't question me, for which I was thankful.

King Sombra's P.O.V:

Today, Fluttershy was acting... strange. She stayed away from me, but I could tell that it wasn't out of fear.

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