The Epic Fight

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King Sombra's P.O.V:

The bunny nods and glares at me. It is on.

Quicker than I can blink, he gets a basket of tomatoes and begins throwing them at me.

I dodge to the side, letting them stain the wall.

I get a basket of grapes (good thing Shy leaves the baskets around) and throw them.

Angel facehooves (or should it be 'facepaws') as if asking me of that was seriously the best thing I had.

Then he throws potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and apples at me, and I jump out of the way.

I need to up my game if I'm going to win this.

...But how?

Perhaps getting heavier stuff to throw...or bigger stuff.

I grab the sofa pillows and chuck them at Angel. "Point Sombra!"

They knock him over, but he quickly recovers and throws a vase at me.

It shatters.

"Abandoning the vegetables now, are we?"

I throw more pillows at him. They miss.

I find some boots and throw it and the demon. "Point Sombra!"

He manages to hit me with another vase. He squeaks something that probably is 'point Angel'.

I decide to stop throwing things and instead, fight him directly.

I punch him. "Point Sombra!" He falls and smashes a tomato against himself for dramatic effect.

"I know you aren't dead, and you wouldn't be able to fool Fluttershy."

He gets rid of the tomato sauce and kicks me. 'Point Angel!'

I grab hold of him, swing him around, and send him flying into the wall. "Point Sombra!"

He gets up and bites my hindhoof.


'Point Angel!'

I get him and use him to get rid of the blood. Then bite his ears with my fangs.

"Point Sombra!"

He licks his ear and then rushes at me, promising pain.

So I grab some eggs at throw them at him. They slow him down, giving me enough time to run out of the house and straight into... Fluttershy's garden?

Or it could be a forest but since it's right in front of her house I'll assume it's her garden.

Why did Fluttershy never show me this? Her garden work is amazing! ...But I never knew gardens were this big.

And I can't hear any sign of the bunny coming after me.

A sudden growl interrupts my thoughts and I turn around and see... not the bunny but a creature much like the one that destroyed me. It's a timberwolf.

A Tartarus be bucked timberwolf. What should I do? I've got no magic thanks to Sunbutt's pet, and I don't think I'd be able to fight a timberwolf.

There's one question I've got though. How did a timberwolf find its way into Fluttershy's garden?

My eyes widen. Unless this wasn't Fluttershy's garden, it was the Ever-bucking-free forest!

While I'm trying to think of how to fight the wolf, several more have surrounded me and they begin to advance, growling.

I gulp. I'm definitely going to die.

But that won't stop me from attempting to fight. As one comes close to me, I kick its jaw, making it fall back.

Then I turn around and kick another. And the rest of them. But as I'm about to do the last one, it swipes at my flank with its claws. And that hurt a lot more than the bunny's bites.

"Tartarus!" My flank is bleeding heavily. I try to move away as best as I can, but the others have recovered. And they are certainly not happy.

Fluttershy's P.O.V:

I hum a little tune as I fly to Sugarcube Corner. It's rare for me to hum or fly in public, but I felt so happy, I couldn't help it.

"Hello Fluttershy," Mrs Cake greets me with a smile. "How are you today?"

"Hi Mrs Cake, I'm feeling perfect. How are you?"

"I'm feeling fine. Are you here to talk to Pinkie or to buy some stuff?"

"Both, actually."

"Well, Pinkie's not here right now but you can buy some stuff while waiting for her."


"What would you like?"

I'm about to answer when the shop door flies open and Angel Bunny comes in. He says... that he and Sombra were having a fight and he's sorry for messing my house up but that didn't matter now because Sombra's in the Everfree forest!

"Are you sure? T-that Sombra's in the E-everfree forest?"

Angel nods. I take off so fast that I cause a sonic rainboom, and as I get closer to the forest I pray to the heavens, hoping that Sombra is alive and uninjured.

Author's Note:

I totally had to do that. I was having a little trouble, and Brony said he wasn't that good at writing 'epic fights' like this, and I don't play Fortnite or anything like that so I had a block on this for a while.

But then I thought, Sombra doesn't know where the Everfree forest is, and what if he mistook it for Shy's garden?

And that's how this chapter appeared. It was short, but the next one will be longer. Hopefully.

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