Me or her?

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Fluttershy's P.O.V:

I didn't know what to do. Twilight was like a sister to me... But I loved Sombra.

When I found him unconscious in the Everfree forest I realized how much he meant to me.

He was more than a friend. And yet, I couldn't just end my friendship with Twilight...

Even if she was- even if she did lie and take Sombra's magic...

But... That was his magic. I remember how painful it was when Tirek drained us of all our magic and I couldn't even fly.

And Twilight lied using Princess Celestia's name. I... I don't know. It's so frustrating!

I let out a small shout. I- Sombra means more to me than Twilight.

But I've known Twilight for longer.

Yes, but... what she did to Sombra is unforgivable. She did it just so that she could study his magic.

For her selfish reasons. I can't leave Sombra. No, he'd feel betrayed. Twilight would feel bad too, but she's got other ponies to lean on.

If  I left Sombra, he'd have nopony. He'd be alone.

I give out another scream of frustration. Angel hops to me and gives me a look followed by a few signs.

"I guess you're right Angel. Twilight is a sister to me, but my heart is with Sombra."

....I suppose I should go get Sombra's magic back. And tell Twilight what I've decided.

I nervously knock on the door of the Castle of Friendship

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I nervously knock on the door of the Castle of Friendship. Almost immediately it is opened and I can see Spike.

"Um...Hi Spike...Is Twilight here?"

"She's here, though the state she's in... I'll let you see for yourself," Spike says, letting me in. "She's in the map room."

I make my way there and open the door. Twilight is crying. "Twilight...?" I approach her.

She mumbled something I can't here. She then looks up at me. "Why did you come?"

"I...Sombra...Sombra said-" I can't even get the words out. Seeing her in such a sorry state, I don't have the heart to tell her. But I remember what she did to Sombra. I have to do this for him. "Twilight, Sombra gave me a choice, to either stay with you and leave him, or the other way around. I chose him. I'm sorry, but..."

Twilight sits up. She looks totally broken. "It's fine, I did hurt him after all. Taking his magic away like that without his consent... He may be a villain but he's still a pony. I should have asked..."

I'm about to sympathise with her but remember her crime. I get straight to the point.

"Before I leave, I need you to give me Sombra's magic back."

The Softness of Her HeartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang