"You have far too much kindness inside of you for one person, my King." Aramis sighed with an ease unlike before. "You are everything others should strive to be."

  "You have a way with words, Aramis." Edmund chuckled to himself. "You really do."

     There were fireworks that night, as apart of the celebration. Although, due to the fact that Aramis had no idea what they were, he found them slightly alarming. And, of course, he did not want to be seen, so he could not be feared. Night was easier to hide under, but still an unideal situation.

     It was beautiful, though, and he loved it all. Edmund sitting beside him from inside of the castle, looking up at the sky, explaining what was happening with all of the colours was more magical than the past few days combined.

     Though, he could tell that things were changing drastically. Things could stay so picture-perfect for too long.

Aramis had always struggled with guilt, and how to express himself when he suffered. On the final day of the coronation week, Aslan and Caspian had gathered the majority of the surrounding villages and important figures to the courtyard to address them all. Of course, the Pevensie's and Aramis would be there too. The spirit had many suspicions as to what could be occurring, and because he didn't share his thoughts, it made his stomach churn.

Aslan was mysterious, but he was not cruel. He would have to reveal his plan soon, otherwise Aramis would be in far too much of a state to ever get through the rest of his eternity. Already he could see that it would be something he was opposed to.

     Caspian stood upon a platform of stone, at the edge of the small steps. Aslan and Aramis were to his right, and the Pevensie's to his left. It seemed to be much easier with them than without.

"Narnia belongs to the Narnian's, just as it does to man." Caspian started off strong, capturing their attention, enough so that he could continue without interruptions. "Any Telmarine's who want to stay and live in peace are welcome to. But any of you who wish, Aslan will return you to the home of our forefathers."

One man, who had likely been a soldier, called back. "It's been generations since we left Telmar."

"We're not referring to Telmar." Aslan broke his silence. "Your ancestors were seafaring brigands. Pirates run aground on an island. There they found a cave, a rare chasm that brought them here from their world. The same world as our Kings and Queens."

     It seemed that this information was new to the Pevensie's as they looked to one another with a great amount of surprise. Their people's greatest enemies were no different from them... it was quite a shock.

"It is to that island I can return you." The lion continued. "It is a good place for any who wish to make a new start."

"I will go." A man spoke up, soon identified as General Glozelle, who was now more battered and bruised than he had been. "I will except the offer."

As he stepped forwards, Caspian bowed his head, as Aramis might for him. Glozelle copied his actions, swiftly. Whatever had transpired between the two of them had been forgiven, it seemed, as Caspian dared not hold a grudge for the sake of living.

     "So will we." Caspian's aunt, Prunaprismia, stepped forwards, her father on one side, baby cradled softly in her arms.

     As a four, they walked to the platform all of the royals were stood upon. It was a powerful movement, to pledge their loyalty, even if it meant they were leaving.

"Because you have spoken first, your future in that world shall be good." Aslan blew a soft breeze upon them, so to cleanse their future, as he had promised.

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