{C10} Nothing's Normal when you're with the Garmadons

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~~~~={Damien's POV}=~~~~

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The sound of Aaron scrolling his phone whispered through the air as an NGTV news report viewed the bank robbery we were just at. Willow and Corbin were idly watching the TV as Blair watched YouTube on his phone. The cheap fan above us hummed noisily through the stiff air.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I hate my grandfather's (Or Vinny's) house. It's so loud in here, yet everything is silent.

My sibling stared though the blinds of a window and scowled, "I can't see what's happening out there. It's not fair, we should be out there, kicking those thieves' butts. We have the elements, not our parents!"

"I know," complained Ashlyn. "And Vinny's house is so boring. There's nothing to do." She sighed and stared around at the room. Everyone was too tired and downtrodden to force small talk amongst themselves.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"I wish I was out there. I wish I could help!"

"But you know what they said, Jackie," I walked up to them, "We are not supposed to intervene."

"I know, I know." They sighed and walked away from the blinds.

Ashlyn looked around the room. "Hey guys, I have a great Idea, why don't we sneak out and help our parents, what'dya think?"

Jackie grinned. "Yeah, why don't we do that?" They turned to the rest of the kids, "Who's with me!?"

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Hm?" Willow mumbled.

"No thanks." Corbin said.

No one else paid any mind to us.

"Come on guys? Don't you want to help?"

"I mean, not really. That wind guy totally kicked our buts." Corbin looked back at us from the couch.

"And not like they'll need any help. Do you guys want water or something." Willow got up from the couch and poured herself a glass of water.

"Yeah, I'll take one." Blair looked up from his screen. Aaron shook his head.

"They're no fun. Let's go by ourselves." Ashlyn whispered.

"Guys, this isn't a good idea..." I warned them, but Jackie was a bit too enthusiastic.

"Yeah! We can do it ourselves! Come on Damien!"

"I don't condone this... but fine. I got to make sure you don't hurt yourself or something."

"Let's go-"

"Wait!" I stopped them, "We have to get past our... grandfather."

Jackie sighed in annoyance, "Ahug, I forgot."

"What so bad about your grandfather?:"

"Well, well, well, where do I start..."

Our grandfather was always, well, different. For one thing, he wasn't human. Well, we aren't entirely human either, but he lacks his entire dragon side. He's a full oni. Nothing wrong with that... he's just, kinda off.

And he's not really a present grandfather figure either. If he's not ghosting our grandmother by staying at Vinny's, he's either eating EVERYTHING in the fridge, forcing us to fetch him a drink or a snack, or lecturing us about 'the importance of discipline or chaos' or whatever he says. And he doesn't help our father a whole lot, considering our father is, well our father, so we were mostly raised by our grandma.

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