{C8} Pretending to be your Djinn Boyfriend (With Pythor P. Chumsworth)

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~~~~={Hariel's POV}=~~~~

I was eating ice cream at a local store near the docks with my mom. Not many people were here today though. The heavy rain from last night made everything wet and drab, not all that inviting. But there is still a good amount of people.

"Which one do you want?" My mother asked, pointing to the board with an array of flavors.

"Oh, I dunno..." My mind trailed off, wandering somewhere else, "Just get whatever."

She shrugs and goes to ice cream churner. My eyes wander to the door of the store. I felt a strange presence from beyond the wall. Something... mysterious. Yet familiar. Like I've seen it before, yet I can't quite put my finger on it.

Hazel and Maeve walk through the door. Oh. Their dad, Uncle Zanderson, follows.

Wait wait- Uncle Zanderson sees my mom and they start to talk. My mom forgets about the ice cream.

Ugh, we're going to be here a while. Everyone knows that when two parent friends run into each other it will take 6 hours, a wild stroke of dumb luck, and a dump truck to leave the store.

My stomach regrets not acting sooner for ice cream. I watch as a serpentine with a top hat and cane (some serpentine just live permanently on the surface) orders mint chocolate chip.

I walk towards Hazel and Maeve. Instead of getting ice cream, they seem much more interested in their phones. Especially Maeve.

"Oh, hi Hairel!" Hazel puts her phone down. "How are you doing?" She smiles.

"Oh.. uh.. good..."

Maeve slowly turns away, arching over her phone, holding it in portrait mode. She has a big ole smile on her face as the soft voice of a young boy speaks through the phone, "Hey... how's your day been..."

"Uh, what is your sister watching?"

"Oh, she's, actually good question? What are you watching....." We both creep over Maeve's phone and catches a glimpse of the video:

POV: I'm your Djinn Boyfriend

A young teenager in a Djinn costume and special effects speaks in a low soft voice, "Aw, that's good. My day's great too..."


Maeve snaps over, her face blushing red. Her fingers fumble for the power button on her phone as her hides it behind her voice.

"heywhatyalllookinathowdyallgethere?" she stuttered out, embarrassed and angry. We laughed harder.

"I think the question is, what are you watching?" I pointed out.

"Oh, lemme see here-" Hazel tried to reach for her phone.

"It's not funny..."

"Yeah, no it's COMEDY GOLD!"

"No way you, actually watch those kinds of videos?" I asked.

"I wasn't seriously watching that video..." She protested, but her shameful look gave her away.

"Mmm-hm? Tell me then..." Hazel continued to jeer at Maeve, while she defended herself.

My mind wandered off again. My eyes wandered back to the door. The pull seemed stronger, almost magnetitic, drawing me closer... yearning for me to investigate....

While my mind was encapsulated by the door for some reason, my stomach has other plans. I walked to the men's room, walking away from the strange feeling. Despite walking away from the source, the feeling returned strong and fast, as I was reliving myself.

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