{C4} The Hand (Singular) of Time

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~~~~={Lloyd's POV}=~~~~

The cold sound rain and feet on rooftops echoed into the night. Me and Zane were running on rooftops in the suburbs of Ninjago. Me and the rest of the ninja team decided it would be best for only two of us to go and check out the time disturbance.

"My analyses say that the Hands of Time should be in that house over there." Zane states. I crack my knuckles, and try to ninja roll my way down, but I end up slipping on the wet tiles and falling on my face.

"Be careful," Zane says, landing next to me, "You aren't in peak physical health. It would be best to take things slow."

"Thanks for reminding me," I mutter, illuminating the stormy night with my green energy. I still get to keep my powers since the element of energy isn't really a power that gets passed down generation to generation, it's more of a one-time thing, I guess. My children get my uncle and father's powers.

We landed near the house that the time disruptions were coming from. Zane and I landed near a window and began to open it. A metal blade popped out of his arm as he cut the glass. "Be prepared for anything," I told him, "They might have their powers."

He nodded and opened the window. The house looks cozy and warm. Each part of the house was filled with couches, cushions, and neat aesthetically pleasing oak tables and chairs. Aw man, why can't we get a hideout like this, I think, wiping my wet feet on the carpet. We both carefully tiptoed inside, avoiding making any noise. It looked like we were in the living room, with the tv and the coffee table. One of the lights was illuminated, so someone must already be here.

"Hey look," Zane whispered through my earpiece. He pointed to a glass cage. A yellow Vermilion snake was sleeping there.

"Oh great, they're already hatching snakes." I scowled.

After combing the downstairs, we saw that the Hands of Time had a basement. We both crept inside.

The basement was cold and dimly lit. The sound of metal creasing under our feet and tools being used echoed off the plain walls. The area was littered with various machines and devices.

I heard the sound of someone sipping a beverage and setting a mug on a table.

I peeked around the corner saw Acronix, probably 20 years older than we had met him last, staring at a broken time blade. He had green marks across his face and was drinking a warm beverage.

"Acronix!" I spat. He looked up and jumped back in surprise. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" I asked him.

Acronix squared up as Zane crept behind him. "It appears you're up to your old tricks again, aren't you?"

"Huh?" He looked rather sleepy and tired, scratching his head checking if what he was seeing was real. I dashed behind him. "Wait I-" he starts.

"I don't want to hear it." I lightly press a pressure point on his back. He falls to the ground almost immediately. Zane tied him up to a chair and covered his mouth with a cloth, then paused, his sensors presumably picking up something. "Be quiet, I sense that there are other people in the house."

"Alright," I lower my voice to a whisper, "Now let's see what the Hands of Time have been up to." Me and Zane comb through the various gadgets scattered in the basements. I pick up what seems to be a scrappy metal water gun.

"What does this do?" Zane just shrugs, "Looks like some trash."

"Mmmrpf?" Acronix stirs from his sudden slumber.

"Oh what's that? You know what this is?"

Acronix glares at me. I walk over to him. "Now tell me, where is your brother?"

Ninjago Rebirthed: Next GenerationHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin