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MID DAY came around with no one doing anything

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MID DAY came around with no one doing anything. They all just sat around, talking, watching television, or making food. That was about it.
      "I'm gonna go to the corner store, anyone want anything?" Blue asked, throwing her jacket on. Everyone told her what they wanted before she left.

The girl hopped on a bike she found in the garage before peddling off. If she was still in Colorado she would've been terrified but now she was in Utah where there was no signs of bad men.

Vance watched his mother pick up the phone, quickly dialing in a number. He looked back at the door in which Blue just left. The first time she had left without someone.
      Something about that didn't feel right to him. "Mom, who are you calling?" He asked quietly. She looked at him, not giving him an answer before whispering something into the phone.

He immediately assumed what she was talking about, making panic fill his head. She put the phone down before giving him an answer.
    "I was just ordering food." The woman told him with a kind smile. Vance didn't believe it for a second.

Vance went to Sadie in the living room. "I have a feeling my moms up to something." He told her. She looked at him confused. "Blue left and she picked up the phone. She told me she was just ordering food but after all the lies she's told me, I don't believe her." He ranted, grabbing at his hair.

Sadie's happy mood immediately disappeared. "What lies?" Mason asked. "Well it's hard to explain but... seriously what is she doing?" The curly head answered.

Meanwhile, Blue was halfway to the store until two cars pulled in front and behind her. She stopped the bike, looking at the two vehicles.
       "Shit." She mumbled, immediately peddling onto the sidewalk. She recognized the men in the car. And they just had to "try" and escape them.

She pedaled as fast as she could and when she got back to the house she ran in with panic. "There here." She told everyone as she ran up the stairs.
    Baylen looked at Vance and Sadie as they stood up. "Im on crutches, man! I can't run!" Mason complained, standing up.

Blue grabbed her switchblade and her back pack as Vance and Sadie ran in. "Go tell your mom." Blue told Vance. He clenched his jaw, knowing it wouldn't do anything.
      He quickly grabbed two guns from the drawer, running back down the stairs. He tossed Baylen one of them before going to the back door.

Blue and Sadie followed but as soon as they looked out of the window they realized the house was surrounded. "Shit!" Vance yelled, running back to his mom.
     "What do we do?!" Mason shouted, alerting Noah who just came out of the bathroom. "Nothing." Ali responded, her jaw tightening.

The men busted down the door and that's when it hit both Vance and Blue. "Hands up!" They shouted. Vance looked at his mom with fear. But then he realized how calm she looked as she just stood back.

Everyone was shouting as they grabbed Mason, Sadie, and Noah. Baylen held the gun at some of the men but it was no use. There was to many of them.
     Baylen got grabbed and dragged out of the house. Vance's eyes now held only anger and betrayal. "Stop! Let go of me you motherfuckers!" Blue shouted as four men grabbed her arms and legs.

Vance snapped out of his trance as he felt people grab him. He just let them take him. As he was getting pulled away he saw Ali just stand there, whispering something to one of the men.

Vance had never felt more betrayed. And by his own mother. How much worse could his life get?

They all got put into different cars with the exception of Noah and Baylen being in the same car. Blue was thrown in harshly, her hip hitting the seat belt thing.
       The doors were instantly locked but from the outside. She desperately tried to open them but it was no use.

Mason didn't know what to do. He was just worried about the others. Sadie sadly looked out the window. She didn't try anything because she knew it was no use.
     Vance sat in the back of the black truck with so many emotions. Betrayal, sadness, anger, and hurt.

Baylen and Noah gave up on trying to escape so they just made small talk to pass time. "Will you two shut up?" One of the men asked from the front. "No, you kidnapped us we have every right to talk." Noah snapped back.

After a long drive they had made it back to Colorado. They had no idea where but it definitely wasn't Denver. The car Blue was in arrived at the mansion first.
       They opened the doors for her and immediately took hold of her again, dragging her up towards the house.

She was brought to the third floor and thrown into a large room. Once she hit the floor she scrambled back to her feet, trying to make it to the door before it was shut and locked but she failed.
     She huffed, angry tears brimming her eyes. She sat on the large bed in defeat. She to felt betrayed by Ali. The girl trusted her for the most part but now she learned she shouldn't have.

About 20 minutes later the door opens again and in was thrown Sadie. Blue ran to her side, immediately feeling safer with her.
The blonde wrapped her arms around her protectively, watching as the door got locked again. "Are you okay?" Sadie asked, looking at her face. "I'm okay, are you?" She nodded, pulling away and sitting on the bed.

Mason, Baylen, and Noah were thrown in the same room but there was no sign of Vance. "Where's Vance?" Baylen asked, looking at the other two. "Curly head?" Mason asked. "Yes, curly head." Noah replied for him.
     "Maybe his truck got stuck somewhere or they got stuck in traffic?" The blonde followed his sentence.

Mason just shrugged when Baylen looked at him. The younger boy started worrying and after about an hour he still wasn't there.

"Guys there is no way his car is "just stuck in traffic" they have to be doing something to him." Baylen ranted. "Even if they are, there's nothing we can do to stop it." Mason tried to get it in Baylens head that they weren't leaving anytime soon.

With that, they waited till morning to see if he would show up. Until then, the three boys talked about nonsense and slept.


A/N: plot twist 🤭
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