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BLUE PUT her hair into a low bun, passing time by doing a crossword puzzle

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

BLUE PUT her hair into a low bun, passing time by doing a crossword puzzle. Vance had helped Mason move some things so when he was done he sat next to her at the table.
    "What are you doing?" He asked, looking over her shoulder. "A crossword." She replied, moving her head away from his.

When Blue focused she didn't like distractions. Especially when her boyfriend wanted attention.

He leaned his arms on the table, looking down at the paper. "Is that a word?" He asked, pointing at one of the words. "No Vance, there would have to be an E at the end." She replied, circling a word she found.

"Damn, you didn't have to be rude about it." He said, leaning back. "I wasn't. I was simply correcting you." Blue told him, looking at him with an annoyed glare.
"Not my fault I failed reading and writing." She just scoffed moving her hand back to her puzzle. Vance huffed, standing up and going to Baylen.

The boy was in the living room, reading a random book he found on one of the shelves. Vance flopped down on one of the chairs, running a hand through his hair.

"You good bro?" Baylen asked, closing the book but leaving his finger where he was. "Your sister's being a bitch." He replied. "Hey, don't call her a bitch. I'm sure she had her reasons." The boy replied, mumbling the last part.

Baylen didn't necessarily have anything against Vance but he didn't really like him that much either. Sure he treated his sister like a queen but sometimes he was either a bit rude or clingy.
"I was only trying to help and she got all mad at me." "Well maybe that's because she was focusing and you disturbed her." Baylen replied, sipping his water.

Vance rolled his eyes, going outside to help Mason get wood. Baylen got up, going to inform his sister on Vance's attitude.
"Sis." He said, sitting in a chair in front of her. She looked up, waiting for him to speak. "Vance just told me you're being a bitch." She scoffed again, rolling her eyes.

"Me? I'm the bitch? I corrected him and he didn't like it. Not my problem." She said, getting up and putting the crossword away since she kept getting distracted.
"I believe you. He's being over dramatic." He smiled, looking at her. "He is. But you know, he doesn't see that. We haven't even been her for 24 hours and we're already arguing." She sighed, leaning against the counter.

"You'll get over it. So will he." He said, standing up and giving her a hug. She returned it before letting him go and walking into her room.
    She decided to take shower, grabbing a change of clothes before heading to the bathroom.

She shut the door, locking it before getting in. The hot water ran down her. It burned but it still felt relaxing.

Once she was done, she changed into clean clothes, brushing her teeth before going back to the room. She saw Vance sitting on the bed with his head pointed down.
She sighed, throwing the wet towel onto the dresser. "I wanted to say sorry." He looked up at her when he spoke.

"For what?" She asked. She knew what but wanted to hear him say it. "For being rude and calling you a bitch." He admitted, motioning for her to come sit by him.

Her angry face broke out into a smile as she sat next to him. He put an arm around her shoulder, giving her a hug. "And I'm sorry to. I shouldn't have snapped like that." She apologized, looking up at him.
"Don't worry about it." He replied, kissing her before pulling away.

The two sat there for what felt like forever before Baylen knocked. "Come in." She replied, moving away from Vance a little so Baylen wouldn't feel uncomfortable.
The boy walked in, looking at the two. "I assume you guys made up." They nodded. "Well that's nice, I just wanted to let you know I'm going to bed."

"Night, love you." Blue said, getting up to give him a quick hug. "Night." Vance said awkwardly. Baylen waved, leaving the room.

"What time is it?" Blue asked. Vance checked his non existent watch. "1:00 in the morning, why?" He asked sarcastically. She rolled her eyes with a smile before laying down.
"It's not that late." She mumbled, closing her eyes. "You seem pretty tired." He teased, getting up to change. "Maybe." She sighed out, the soft blankets putting her to bed.

Once he was done changing he slid in next to her, pulling the blankets up to his chest. It was completely dark now except for the moonlight that barely shined through the curtains.

They said their good nights before falling asleep.


A/N: VERY short chapter. Literally 808 words. This was just a boring ah filler chapter and I'm tired so goodnight. Comment and vote x (this isn't edited btw so if there's any typos I'll catch 'em tmr)

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