stray kids x han

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Jisung had a secret that nobody knew, not even his bandmates. He was always afraid of telling anybody, especially them. He didn't want them to hate him or not want him to be apart of the group anymore. He loved all of them so much and he didn't want anything to change that. So he kept quiet.

But now that they've debuted and are living together, it's getting harder and harder to not slip infront of the others. Especially since he shared a room with Lee Know who was very observant. Somehow though, he always managed to hide it. Today was another one of those days.

He's been so stressed out because of their busy schedule and he needed to slip. He couldn't handle it anymore. So he went to his room and pulled out his box of little stuff, locking the door and putting in his binky. He grabbed his plushie and cuddled up to it, giggling softly as he made the plushie walk around.

He babbled to the plushie "wan to gwo eat food? Oh... but wes can no do that... the oters will fwind sungie..." he frowns and looks at the plushie. "Sungie hungie doh.."

He gasps loudly once he hears Minho tugging at the door. He was trying to open it, luckily Jisung had locked it before he became little. Minho pounded on the door which scared the little. "Jisung what the hell!?! Unlock this door!"

Sungie teared up and tried to bring himself out of little space. After a while he did, but it was getting hard since Minho kept pounding on the door.

"Im coming Minho... im coming." He quickly ran to the door and unlocked it, letting the older in. He realizes he forgot to hide his little stuff and quickly shoves it under the bed, locking the box so Minho couldn't get into it.

"What the hell is that? Why are you locking it?"

"It's none of your business Minho. Just leave me alone. Im going on a walk." He said coldly, grabbing his coat and leaving. He put on a mask and let tears roll down his face. Hiding his little space for so long has been really hard for him and he doesn't know if he can take it anymore. Especially since he shares a room with someone else and has nowhere else in the house to escape. Atleast at their past apartments, there were places that nobody used so he could let himself slip in there every once in a while. Now he has nowhere to escape.


Minho looks at the other confused, watching him walk out of the building. He grabs what he needed and immediately goes to talk to Chan "Hey Chan, do you have a minute?"

Chan looked over at him and paused the soundtrack he was listening to. "Yeah, what's up?"

"Well uhm... Jisung is acting really... strange. He locked our bedroom door then took forever to open it when I knocked. Then he finally opened the door and he quickly ran back to his bed? He was hiding something. And he locked the box that it was in. He was so cold to me when I asked what it was, then he left."

Chan took off his headphones and sat there in thought for a little. "I'll talk to him when he gets back okay? It'll be okay. Let me know if anything else comes up."

Minho nodded and left the room being met with a sad looking Jisung. "Hey Ji, Chan wants to talk to you." He smiles softly at the younger.

Jisung doesn't say anything and just walks into Chan's room, closing the door behind him. Chan turned to Jisung, a worried smile appearing on his face "sit down Ji"

Jisung sits down on the couch and looks at Chan "what."

"Minho told me you've been acting weird. Is something going on? We're here to help you Jisung, not hurt you. If you need to talk, you know I'm here."

Jisung looks away from him, letting tears run down his face as he tries to hold in his little space. "Nothings wrong. I'm fine. Just tired. Can I go now?"

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