Lee Minho

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Y/N pov

I don't know why, I don't feel the best. I just feel so... empty. I'm so tired and upset. I don't even have the energy to do anything. That's why going out with all of my friends and my boyfriend was so hard today. I still did it though.

I knew they were going to catch on; I was barely talking, only gave short answers, didn't suggest things to do, nor did I play any arcade games when we went to our favorite arcade. I knew none of them would talk about it as well, just try and keep up my mood. Atleast that's what I thought.

Minho has always been a quiet and conservative boyfriend to which I didn't mind, but something changed today. Normally he would just play with han or changbin as I would play with jeongin or chan, but today was really different.

He stayed with me the whole time, he never left my side. Even if I'd go to play with one of our friends he'd come with me and watch or join if he could. It really confused me. He was acting so... different.

I quietly excused myself to the bathroom after playing for an hour or so, but I sat near the bathroom, closing my eyes and letting a few tears fall. I felt so numb and surprised due to the fact that I was crying despite this feeling.

Then I heard someone walking towards me, I hid my face in my hands so they couldn't see until I felt them sit down next to me.

Minho pov

I sat down next to Y/N and pulled her into my lap. I didn't really care how embarrassing at the time it was for me, I knew she needed comforted, and I wanted to be the one to do so.

I carefully held her chin, lifting it up until our eyes met each other. "Y/N what's wrong?"

She just kept crying and didn't say anything, almost like she was afraid to.

"You can tell me. I won't judge, I promise. I'm here for you."

I watched as she shook her head and sighed softly. "Alright..." I muttered and looked away, feeling a little offended. 'Why did she just brush it off like that? Does she think she can't trust me? Does she think I'm going to make fun of her?'

My thoughts began to race until I felt her bury her head into my chest, hugging me tightly while gasping for air due to how hard she was crying. That's when my mind went blank. 'She's hurting this much? How I could I not see this? Im so stupid'

I rubbed her back as tears began to slip out of my eyes, just barely. 'I'm so stupid. Im not a good boyfriend at all. I don't even deserve her.' I held her hand and rubbed circles in it, trying to stay strong for her and not cry more. 'I really don't deserve her, im crying when I should be helping her. I suck at this. I don't deserve her.'

"I...It c-came o-out of no where.. I haven't be-been feeling like this f-for a while then all of the s-sudden... I feel so... horrible? So tired, so depressed, so suicidal, so... empty. Like I'm missing a part of me. T-The happy part of me. And it sucks m-minnie... it really sucks." She managed to blurt out in between sobs.

I held her closer to me and rocked her back and forth as my anxiety slowly stopped. 'She said it came sudden... and she seems so.. shocked about it. Like it's something she hasn't seen a while and couldn't describe. So I'm really not blind and stupid?'

I kissed her forehead and looked at her directly in the eyes "Y/N, you haven't lost that happiness inside of you. It's still there. It's just on break for a little okay? But don't worry I can help it come back. Anything you need, I'm here for you."

She nodded and whispered quietly, so quiet I could barely make out what she was saying, "C-Can we leave...? P-Please.. I can't handle i-it.."

I smiled at the request and slowly got up "of course. Thank you for telling me what you needed. Let's leave now, I'll let the others know we had to leave later."

I got up, still holding her in my arms, and walked to the car. "Minnie... please don't tell them about this. It's so embarrassing."

I giggled softly and set her down in the car, "It's not embarrassing, it's a normal human emotion. Still though, I'll respect your wishes and not tell them."

She sniffled and smiled slightly, it was almost impossible to see it. Of course I could though. I began driving home.

Once we got home, I picked her up and brought her into the house.

Y/N pov

I really wanted to leave and hide in my room. We had shared the same house but had different rooms, he wanted to make sure I was as comfortable as possible with us living together so he decided to look for a 2 bedroom house.

I started sobbing into his chest. I wanted to leave but I couldn't. I felt so attached to him at this moment. He sat down and put me in his lap, holding me close and kissing my forehead.

"Is this okay Y/N?"

I nodded and gripped his shirt tightly as he rubbed my back. It felt so comforting, his soft fingers touching me carefully as if I could break any second. He held me so protectively, not in a creepy way but more or so in a 'I'm going to take care of you' way.

I melted into his touch and got closer to him "Minho..."


"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. Im just making the most important person to me happy."

P.S. I'm publishing some stories I've had in drafts for a while 😭 theres 49 parts to this book rn and I've only published about half so, I'll give you guys some of them! :)

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