Lee Felix

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Tw: mentions of starving oneself (im so sorry if any of this is incorrect. I don't mean to offend anybody ^^ If I made any mistakes when it comes to the disorder itself don't be afraid to comment!)

You and Felix had been best friends for most of your life. You'd seen each other at your worst, your best, and helped each other through all of it. That's why when you started dating a year ago, it wasn't much of a surprise to anyone who knew the two of you.

The only issue that arose was Felixs career. Him being a famous model made you an easy target for obsessed fans. Especially since you had always been insecure about your body. Felix was always so beautiful and perfectly sculpted, you had believed despite him having a few doubts. But you, you saw yourself as garbage. You felt as if you were a freak. A freak who is only dating such a handsome man because he felt bad for you. But Felix felt so different. He always tried to remind you of this but as the comments on your (and his) posts that revealed your body, you couldn't help but stop eating.

And of course, Felix had picked up on it. How could he not? Instead of your normal almost skin tight shirts that showed off the curves of your body that he loved, you wore shirts 3 times larger than your size. Instead of your shorts or skirts that sat on your mid thigh, you were wearing sweatpants that were almost too big for you. And at night, instead of the variations of silk outfits you had, you wore a baggy t shirt and shorts that covered your knees.

You declined most of his hugs, letting him hug you every once in a while. And you left early before he was awake to go to the gym for 3 hours. It concerned him a lot. He knew you we're as affectionate as him as you gave him hugs atleast 10 times a day. Now you maybe gave him a hug once a week. This had been going on for almost a month, ever since you did a photoshoot with him.

After that he tried to get you to do another, as he got offers almost everyday. But you declined. Every time. He knew how much you loved that shoot. But he also knew how much hate you got from it. He was scared to confront you about it as he didn't want to say the wrong thing and make you upset. But he couldn't stand seeing you like this.

So once you fell asleep at the end of the day he made sure to cling tight to you. He started to tear up as he felt your bones. Normally he could feel them a little but barely. Now it felt like he could feel every single bone in your stomach. He tried to ignore it so he could sleep and talk about this with you in the morning. Luckily he was extremely exhausted so he quickly fell asleep.

He woke up once he felt you wiggling out of his arms. He smiled as his plan had worked. "Hey, Y/N. Can we go to the gym together? A gym date?" He spoke in a deep and smooth voice, something he knew you loved.

You looked at him stunned and bit your lip "u..uh yeah sure..."

He smiled widely and quickly went to get ready. You did as well as you got nervous. 'He's going to get worried... fuck..' you thought as you started to tear up. When you work out you go intense and usually get very dizzy. Sometimes you've even passed out.

You followed him to the car as he drove you two to the gym. You guys set your stuff down in the front and carried your water bottles. "Y/N?"

"Y-yes lixie?" You said as you put weights on, getting ready to do deadlifts.

"I uhm.. I don't know a lot. Can you show me what to do?"

You nodded, a little confused. You know he knew all of the equipment. But maybe he just wanted to spend more time with you.

"Okay just watch me then go after."

He nodded as you began lifting, already starting to feel dizzy. Maybe it's been too long since you've ate. Your body was most likely trying to break down nothing. But you didn't care. You kept going.

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